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angst warning !

"okay, wait, i have more questions." richie said, waving his syrup covered fork around while he spoke.

"yeah, me too." stan said. "why is syrup so sticky?" he poked at it.

"you know what else is sticky?" richie winked at him. everyone began laughing loudly, except eddie, who didn't quite get it, but he felt like he had an idea.

"richard tozier!" bev smacked his arm, only causing him to laugh harder. he coughed a little bit, but regained his posture.

"okay, okay, but seriously. like, what time did we leave last night? and how did i end up in different clothes? and how did nancy react after, ya know,'' his face grew red just thinking about it. "the thing."

"well, for one thing, you changed yourself. you never passed out. but if you had drinken more, then yeah. second of all, we left around 10, 10:30. 11, at the latest." bev went on. "and she looked super upset, but she didn't say anything about it to anyone, so i guess she didn't take it too hard."

"s-sh-sure did luh-look like it when y-you told her th-they were actually kuh-kissing." bill pointed out.

both richie and eddie flushed.

"yeah, that's true." beverly nodded.

"hey, eds? you seem quiet today. are you okay?" mike asked. eddie wasn't expecting the sudden act of caring, but that was just mike.

"oh, yeah. i'm, uh, yeah, i'm okay. thanks, though." eddie plastered a smile onto his face. mike nodded, but still worried a little bit.

the whole table was silent for a few minutes, the only noises being forks and knives clanging against plates.

eddie was the first one to break the silence. "i'm gonna start gathering my things together. thanks for inviting me over, richie." he scooted out of his chair, not bothering to put his dishes away. he just wanted to get out of there. he hated the silence, especially when he had a lot to think about.

like how he probably wouldn't be able to look at richie the same way again. and how nancy was probably going to attack him. and how richie said he didn't really care about it. and now, everytime richie said "fuck, eds,", he was going to think of that night. that hell of a night.

he rushed up the stairs. everyone looked around at each other, but all eyes landed on richie. he groaned, but stood up anyways and followed eddie.

"eddie, are you okay? like seriously, please talk to me." richie said sadly.

"no, richie, i am not okay." he replied bitterly, shoving his clothes from yesterday into his bag.

"why? what's wrong?" richie reached out for eddie, only to be pushed away.

"what's wrong? what's wrong is that last night, we played seven minutes in heaven and you spun the bottle and it landed on me and so we had to spend seven minutes in the closet and how i was too scared because i really didn't want a guy, my best friend, at that, being my first kiss and how we actually ended up making out and how i enjoyed it more than i wish i did and how those were the best seven minutes of my life but you only acted like you didn't care one bit about it whatsoever, just 'yeah, i just had a make out session with my best friend. yeah, he's a guy. but it didn't actually mean anything. in fact, it pretty much sucked.'. and richie, i know you were drunk and you probably didn't know what you were doing and i know that you still probably don't care but your dick said otherwise last night, and unfortunately, so did mine. and now i'm just so fucking confused, not just about my sexuality, but how you can just kiss me and pretend it never happened?! how do you even do that?! and i really fucking liked that kiss, richie, but you have a girlfriend that probably wants to slit my throat right now and i can't even look at you without thinking about what happened in that closet!" eddie was furious. but he wasn't, at the same time. he yanked his aspirator out of his pocket, releasing medicine down his throat, and put it back. he did all of that without removing his eyes from richie's.

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