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"come on, eddie spaghetti." richie teased, jumping over the couch and on his way to the closet. eddie's face was darker than the blood running through his veins. he hesitated on standing up, but he did eventually.

"richie tozier! you're not actually going to kiss him, are you?" nancy's jaw was lower than her jeans. richie shrugged.

"i don't know. might as well see what happens." he opened the door, following behind eddie and locking the door behind him.

"alrighty, eds," be turned to the smaller boy. "let's go." eddie put his hands in front of him to stop richie.

"you're drunk out if your mind, dickface." he grinned shyly, his face still burning with red coloring.

"so what? aw, eds, are you scared?" richie wiggled his eyebrows, his hands on his hips.

"what?" eddie ridiculed. "n-no! why would i be? you're richie! you're my best friend!" that was a lie. he was terrified. not kissing richie, he didn't really have a problem with that. but nancy would give him shit and bring him to hell and leave him there.

outside of the closet, beverly grabbed the timer from nancy. nancy, appalled, gave her a disgusting look, but didn't fight for it back.

"c'mon, boys!" beverly cooed. "we're not gonna start the timer until we hear some smooching!" a few people laughed from behind her.

"ya hear that eddie? the longer we stall, the longer we're in here." richie was growing almost annoyed, but he wouldn't ever show it. he wasn't sober, anyways, so it probably didn't matter.

"b-but it's gonna be my first kiss." eddie mumbled submissively.

richie smiled understandingly. "you're lucky it's with me, then. i'll make it special." he gathered up eddie in his arms, the other boy letting out a small shriek. eddie's back was now against the wall and richie was holding up his legs to his waist. eddie's face was even darker now, almost to the point where it blended it with the maroon wallpaper of the large closet. his throat almost closed up completely, the amount of air he was getting growing smaller and smaller by the second. their faces were centimeters apart, an inch maybe, two at most.

"may i?" richie asked, one eyebrow higher than the other. eddie was trying to get words out of his mouth, but he couldn't. no matter how hard he tried. he couldn't.

so he just nodded. he was tired of waiting. he wanted for this to be all over.

richie's lips met his, and for a split second, he almost felt like richie: completely drunk. like he had no control over his own mind whatsoever. richie always described it to him; it was almost like taking a break from yourself for a moment, and just relaxing and not having to worry about anything. that's what the kiss felt like.

little did richie know, he was enjoying it just as much - almost more - as eddie was. he separated their lips, as an experiment, just to see what eddie would do.

and he did just what richie hoped he would do:

he pulled him back for more. but this time, eddie was more into it. his hands were relaxed against richie's shoulders, running his fingers through richie's hair before doing so.

bev had finally started the timer, grinning madly, her eyes resting on nancy devilishly.

"he's not actually-!"

beverly nodded slowly, her smile only growing wider.

nancy growled, sitting back down with her arms crossed over her chest. she wasn't going to dare walk in there and stop them, as much as she wanted to, but she knew it would've hurt worse to actually witness it.

meanwhile, eddie and richie's kiss was no longer completely innocent. it was a full on make out session. richie had grown closer to eddie, pushing him against the wall just a but harder, but eddie didn't mind. it was almost as if he couldn't feel it. the only thing he could feel was richie and richie only. it was like richie's lips were the kite and eddie's were the lightning, and when they clashed together, it made electricity. and that electricity was willing to strike anyone who was willing to get in the way.

richie grew more confident, taking eddie's bottom lip between his teeth and pulling gently. eddie gasped loudly, not expecting the intimate gesture.

two can play at that game, he thought as richie let go of his lip and began kissing him again.

eddie's hand slowly moved from richie's shoulders, to his neck, then to his fluffy curls of hair. his hands ran through richie's hair before tugging lightly. he received a small grunt in response vibrating against his lips.

eddie tugged harder, his lips suddenly growing cold from the absence of richie's, but he could still feel his breath when he mumbled.

"fuck, eds, stop." richie breathed out before placing his lips back to eddie's for a quick moment. eddie whined, not realizing that richie had begun to suck a patch of skin on his neck.

"rich,'' he whined, enjoying whatever richie was doing to him probably a bit too much. "don't. my mom's gonna see." he suddenly threw his head back, releasing a small moan when richie bit down on his collarbone.

"you're staying at my place, remember?" richie's breath was warm against his skin. "besides, bev probably has some make up if i leave that much of a mark." he grinned, knowing he already had left such a mark upon the pale boy's skin, where he continued to place gentle, quick kisses.

''s-stop, richie," eddie giggled. "that tickles!"

"alright, come on out!" beverly knocked on the door loudly, scaring both richie and eddie. richie placed eddie on the ground in front of him. eddie blushed, grabbing richie's face and kissing him again. richie smiled, kissing him back, but pulled away after a few seconds.

"c'mon, eds. we gotta go." richie made his way to the door, unlocking and opening it, revealing a smiling beverly.

"have fun in there?" she teased, tossing the timer back to nancy, who was on the verge of tears.

"could've been better," richie shrugged. "but i managed."

and in those moments, a certain boy's heart shattered.


a long chappie today wowza

also i really like this chapter ok

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