Taken and Examination

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There were people running and some just collapsed as they were simply too malnourished to handle that type of movement. An RV came tumbling over the slums as Jack swayed a little where he stood. There were looks of sympathy to those who couldn't get out of the way and people shoving past each other. 

Jack didn't run, it was stupid, he just lowered himself to the dirt, sat there and waited for them to kill him or take him.

Jack knew what he looked like. Skinny, with his ribs very clear in his body and as pale as you could find them. He heard the van getting closer and closer with men, women and children screaming as they are either taken or hurt in some way.

It's almost like slavery has been brought back and no one is trying to stop it any time soon. Well, not 'almost' it has been and no one here has enough resources or power to stop them.

Jack closed his eyes as the footsteps neared him. If they didn't want him for labour he knew he'd be taken as a 'doll' of sorts, a slave if you will.

Jack was picked up and placed gently in the back of the rumbling RV. It wouldn't take long to get to where they were going anyway. 


After a long drive through the slums, they made it to grand cities which surprised Jack. He hadn't seen a city in a few years and he gazed wide-eyed as others did too.

"Mummy, are we going to live there?" An innocent child asked and Jack felt sick to his stomach. Everyone knew that they took children but no one knows how they react to the situation. 

"Yes darling, we're gonna be there for a while." Hearts broke at the mother's response to her vulnerable child. The child seemed excited and tears built up in Jack's eyes but he refused to let them slip. 

"Will we never be hungry again?" That broke Jack's heart further than it had already been.

"No darling, we won't." The mothers sobbing made others cry but most kept it silent. 


Jack sat and listened to people cry while the child was smiling and staying completely oblivious, thinking this was good. This was much worse than the previous situation.

With a sudden jolt, the RV stopped and we all jerked forward. "Shit..." Jack tried to support himself on something, which just happened to be another person. "Sorry." He apologised quickly and pulled away from them.

The child was clapping and the mother tried to quiet them but to no avail. "We're here! We're here!" Apart from the child's cheering and the mothers shushing, no one uttered a single word.

The door was swung open and we all froze. One guard looked at Jack and lift him out gently, seemingly shocking all the other passengers in the van.

Jack didn't fight, he couldn't. Maybe that's why the guard was being gentle with him because Jack wasn't fighting. The guard was stoic and didn't seem to respond much either. 

The guard brought Jack to a warehouse and put him down. There were cries of pain and suffering from others. Jack was stripped of his clothes and then inspected for any injuries or anything else like that. Jack was already slim before the banks failed so cutting his money away only made everything worse.

Jack still didn't fight him. The guard was gentle and Jack didn't want to be in any more pain than he should have to be. He tensed up when the guard ran his hand over his penis and testicles. Jack squirmed around when the guard curled his hand around it. "Stay still." His voice was rough like he was a smoker but very powerful.

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