Chapter two

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Everytime I arrived home from school I would just sit on the couch and watch some TV... But this time it was different. The TV wasn't the thing that my attention and concentration were directed to. My mind was racing with the thoughts of the previous envents of today.

Somehow my brain managed to never stop thinking about that mysterious guy that helped me while Derek and his crew were "attacking" me. Who is he? Why did I never saw him before? Why would he help a pour soul like me? What were his intentions? Was he a CIA agent?

Thoughts like these kept running through my brain when I was interrupted by my mom.

" Molly can you go to the store and pick some things up for me?" Why would I say no though.. I wanted to have some fresh hair and just take a walk so it sounded good to me. " Of course, give me the list and I will get you all of it! " I said while getting my lazy butt from the couch.

She handed me the list that was inside her pocket and with that I started my way to the nearest store.

The wind felt good against my exposed skin. It was already dark outside and I couldn't deny that the stars today were shinning so bright that I almost could see them with my eyes closed... Uauu this afternoon did really went by pretty fast. The smell of the flowers that lived on the garden of one of my favourite neighbour never seemed to fail in making me remember my childhood. I always choose to never remeber those days again or else I would be remembered of him.

I spotted the store fast actually, since it was dark and the store had lots of light it was easy to find out where it was. I put a coin inside de cart and started to walk down the straight halls and picking up some of the items on my list.

The last thing on my list was pizza because today was Pizza day... something me and my mum would do often because we don't have ideas for the dinner. I love my connection with her it is just a wonderful example of a mother-daughter perfect relationship.

When I stoped at the pizzas place I saw the boy that has been on my mind for the last few hours... It was Calum, he was standing a few meters away from me. I pretended that I didn't see him and continued with my stuff, but when I am about to take the pizza on my hands someone reaches it before I could. I looked up ready to apologize someone, because that person deserved to have it since she or he grabbed it first than I did, but guess who was standing there with the pizza... Yes. You're right. It was Calum.

" I- I am sorry... you can take it" I said trying my best to smile and backing away just a bit. " ohh no no no it's okay, it is all yours I can take the other one, ladies first thought." He gave me a beautiful smile and our eyes just locked together making me feel lost for a brevious moment. I was left without words so I just mumbled a thank you to him.

When I was leaving the store with the bags I had the craziest tought ever... Maybe I had a crush on that boy.


a/n: this was kinda of a filler I am really sorry for that but I promise that this story will get better. Please coment and vote and don't forget to always smile and be positive!! Stay safe!💜💜

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