Chapter Eight

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Remember when I said that my day couldn't be worst? Well it happens that I was totally wrong!

When I was my way home I stopped at Starbucks to get some coffee and it took me awhile because I was still in shock with the Ryan and Caitlin thing. So while I was lost in a sea of thoughts, The police took my car because it was not well parked and I am so pissed because my house is way too far away to go walking and I have no money left...

And guess what? It started raining so freaking much that in a few seconds I got all wet. This looks like something that would happen in a movie or a book... It's funny because to the characters there is always a solution but I ain't got any.

I can't call my mom because she is way too old to understand how to get a call, my bestfriend just helped my boyfriend cheating on me and I am definitely not calling Ryan. Eww.


No. Forget about it. He has done way too much think about how much he will hate you if you asked him to come get you... Plus you don't have his phone number you butthead.

Amazing!! Even my inner self insults me. I am totally lost and cold, there's no way to go...

I should start walking, maybe I will fing some bus stop to sleep in, that way I don't get any more drops of rain on me. Good idea. The first of the day! New record, yayy.

I walked...
And walked...
I didn't stop walking...
Couldn't feel my legs anymore...
Too much walking in the rain for me...

" I GIVE UP." I scream a bit too louder. " I AM LOST, COLD, BROKEN AND WET!! WHAT A LOVELY DAY..." I continued hopping that no one was there to hear. But honestly I couldn't care less.

I sat on a dark conner if the street, crying because I shouldn't have walked that much since I am now in a unknown part of the town and it doesn't looks like that welcoming to new people. I cried because I was lost. I cried because I was alone. I cried because I was starting to starve. I cried because no one would notice me there. But mostly importantly I cried because I lost the two best person I have ever know... Now I realised that they aren't that good, pretty far away from that actually.

Suddenly I felt my eyes grow heavy and I was starting to get reaaaally tired and the next moment I knew I was sleeping.
" Wake up!! Wake up!! Please just wake up!! You are not safe here!" That voice... That angelical voice... Maybe I was dying and the angles were taking me to the heaven... So the better is to not wake up because I want to wake up already there, let them take me.

And with that I felt the angle carrying me like bridal style... It felt so welcoming, so warm and it gave me the feeling that someone was protecting me from everything, from the world.

Was I really dying?

Was I dreaming?

Was I being rapped?

Or someone was saving me?

No matter what I don't want to wake up... I want to feel like this forever!!
_________________________________________a/n: Idk if I ended up with Ryan and Molly but I just felt that you guys were probably getting bored by the story so yha... Please vote and coment, love yall you're beautiful 💜💜

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