Chapter Nine

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What am I feeling?

I feel some warmth... It is from somewhere I am not sure of...

And I know I am under a couple of blankets. They are so soft, so comfy... They feel like Home.

In the background I hear a guitar and someome is singing... I can't find out the words but it sounds really good!

" Hello?!, Someone's here?" I said while waking up but still feeling very tired..        " Ohh great you are up now!" What the F is happening here... Why is Calum here?      " Calum? What am I doing here? What happened?" He came closer and sat next to me looking me in the eyes with sympathy. " Oh yeah you might be really confuse about everything, let me clarify your mind."

*** Flashback***  Calum's P.O.V.
I better hurry up uncle Stephen can't wait that long to receive his mail...

After I had dinner with him I decided to go for a quick walk, you know just walk around even thought this is not the most welcoming place I still enjoyed. After a bit of walking something caught my eye.

I saw someone leaning against a wall and realised it was a girl. No girl should be here at this hour at the night, it is just not save. I walked towards her and recognized her features almost immediately...


She can't be here! I have to save her, this place is way to dangerous for an angle like her.

I tried to wake her up, but she didn't want to so I took her in my arms and carried her bridal style all the way to my car.

Once we were on my car she looked almost fainted... Maybe she hitted her head on the wall when she fell asleep, and maybe that's why she didn't even moved when I called her.

Once we were at my place I decided to put her on my king sized bed with my best blankets, because she was freezing and all soaked, and lighted up a fire to warm her even faster. With that I went to the leaving room and started playing some songs that I had written for her.

*** End of flashback***

Molly's P.O.V.

" Everything makes sense now... That's why I am here!" I was still shocked by this anyways. " Yeah.." He replied a bit unsure of what to say. " Oh and Thanks a lot Calum, for saving me... But I think that my mom will get worried." The moment that the thought of my mom being worried again because of me destroyed me... So I must come back to her! " Oh yeah of course, you are totally right. I just had no idea where you lived amd since I live on my own I thought it would be nice from me." He is so sweet... And kinda hot with this fire light, might I add. " Thanks again, without I would probably have a bullet on my skull." " No problem! So do you want me to get you home?" He said while standing up from his seat. " Yeah let's go."


The car ride was silent, but it was a comfortable silence. There was some music playing at the background... I loved this song it was The forgotten by Green Day.

Mental Note about Calum's qualities: He has such a great music taste!
When I got home me and Calum exchanged our goodbyes and thanked him a lot, again...

When I finnaly opened the front door I could bet my life that I heard someone crying...

" Mom?! Is that you? Are you crying?" The next thing I know she is running to me like crazy and hugging me so tight that my vision started to get unfocused.

I heard her mumbling some words that I could barely decipher but I made it, she said something like: " Oh my dear, my sweet angel!! I thought I had lost you... Please never do this again to me you scared me really bad." After a few more sobbings from both of us, because who the hell can keep a straight face when your mom is hugging you and crying?? Yeah that's what I thought.. NO ONE!

So after all of that crying we sat on the couch and I told her everything.. From the Ryan and Caitlin's thing to get lost and be founded by Calum. She said that she wanted to talk to Calum to thank him a stuff so she pleased me to invite him over for dinner... I think that he will understand.. He just saved me from death and my mom just wants to thank him so I think that's okay.


a/n: Idk if this story is going in a good way but yeah whatever just reads who wants to. Another chapter yayy!!!! Please coment and vote! Lyaa stay safe💜💜

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