Chapter Seven

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Derek was now at the hospital because of his broken jaw, and a few bruises and Calum and I are now standing in front of the principal in his office.

" I need to know what happened back there Mts. Hood and Mss. Carter. But I need you to be honest about every detail."

" We know.. And we are really sorry about the previous events but he deserved that sir." Calum said looking over to me.
" What has he done to the deserve a broken jaw?"

" He was threating me... He said for me to be a good girl and do things right and meet him after school, I think that all of us know what that means sir. Calum was just trying to protect me and I really appreciated what he did, because a lot of people passed by and done nothing." I defended raising my voice at the end to make it clear that what Calum did was the right thing.

After a few more talking we just got out of that office... The director said that Derek would be punished because he was practically bullying me.

We would go to the detention for 2 hour for all of the week, because what we did was nothing special but he had to go to hospital so... I understand.
When I was on my way home I thought that it would be nice visiting my sick boyfriend so I did so.

I knocked three times at his door and his mom looked surprise by my presence and asked who I was. She didn't knew me, because Ryan and I decided that it was too soon, so I presented myself to her.

" Hello, I am Molly Carter and I am Ryan's girlfriend. Nice to meet you ma'am." She looked shooked and I couldn't understand why... Then she replied...

" I am sorry but Ryan's girlfriend is already upstairs with him... she came about ten minutes ago." My face fell...
My heart was racing...
My mind was screaming with thoughts...
I was a mess.
" I am sorry but I am his girlfriend... Can I come in?" " Of course darling.. I am sorry if anything happens."

I went straight upstairs and opened the door of his bedrom.



I felt myself crying and withou saying a word I started to run out of that house.
I was crying so hard, but deep down I knew that he would end up doing something like this... But... Caitlin?!

Now everything makes sense!! She always liked him! She wanted me to get closer to him so that she could get as well and now I find them eating each other's faces...

And that's why she wasn't today at school as well!! Everything makes sense now! Maybe she sneacked to his window without his mom seeing and then he lied and said that she just came.

I am so pissed at them.

My day couldn't be worst.

A/n: I am soo sorry everyone but my life is a mess right now and everything is against me and my existence so I am really sorry for how long it took me to acrually publish one chapter!! I love you all and I am really really really sorry!! Be safe!💜💜

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