Hotel Motel

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This chapter is going to be a lot happier than the last one

Yuri's POV

Me and Beka had been curled up with each other for around 10 minutes now, that damn bastard thinks he has the right to touch me?!
I bet he's fucking sorry now, I hope his nose becomes deformed and never gets fixed. However, I still feel tainted, like those hands will never go away from me. Sadly that'll be part of my memory now.

"Beka, we should probably head out now. I'll get my stuff packed up."

"Are you sure you don't need anymore time to calm down"



"Beka I didn't mean that."

"I know you didn't, you're in a bad place right now"

"You keep me sane, you know that"

The Kazakh smiled.

"Yeah, I know, lets go get our stuff packed up."

1 year later

I smiled at the memory of Otabek comforting me, despite everything that had happened not even 30 minutes earlier, it made us closer in a way that I didn't know was possible.
I deemed smiling necessary for the moment, Beka was in Almaty for a bit so train with his old coach for this years GPF. Since I was still training with Yakov and Lilia, I was able to stay in St. Petersburg.

Oh well, Beka won't be gone for long
Thinking back to the incident I had been thinking about earlier I remembered
Otabek calling the police on his father, he was later charged with sexual assault and I ended up being able to sue him.
For Beka it was hard, seeing his own father being charged with something as terrible as what had happened, but we both got through it.

"That's enough thinking for today, goodnight Potya"

I rubbed Potya behind her ears and placed my cat next to me on my bed before I turned off the light and went to sleep.

I was just beginning to doze off when I heard a knock on our apartment door.

Putting on a jacket, I left my bedroom and went up to the doorway only to look through the peephole that I had to stand on my toes to look through, standing there was Beka.

I presented as a beta while he was gone. I had turned 19 and normally if you haven't gone through a heat or rut by then, you were deemed a beta, however there are late bloomers I guess, but being a beta has its advantages.

I hastily opened the door and greeted my boyfriend with an excited facial expression to his normal stoic one. However Beka's face seemed to be a bit different. He seemed happier than usual. I pulled him inside the apartment considering it was quite cold outside tonight.

"You're back early"

"My coach had a family emergency, they had to leave the training center so I figured I could just come home a few days early"

"Well I'm glad you're back, me and Potya missed you"

I pointed to the sleeping cat that was visible from the front door.

Beka chuckled.

"And I assume that since you turned 19, you presented, correct?"



"I'm a beta"


"What's wrong, you sound disappointed"

"No no no I'm not disappointed, just a little shocked is all."

"Well at least your father was wrong, I don't know what I would do if I was an omega"

My boyfriend smiled and I gave him one of my koala hugs, causing him to almost fall backwards.

"You're too much Yura"

"I know, now carry me to our bedroom, I'm tired"


I laid down in bed with Beka and curled up into his side. He turned off the lamp next to our bed and began to stroke my hair

Are we always going to be like this? Will Beka get tired of me always being so difficult with EVERYTHING? Will he leave me for some slutty omega? Oh dear god he must be upset that I'm a beta. I can't take his knot because betas obviously can't stretch like that. Shit, he's gonna leave me. Wait no , Beka would never do that, right? he-

My thoughts were interrupted when my phone buzzed

Glaring down at the screen I rolled my eyes

Ugh the katsudon and old man Nikiforov are getting married in a few months.

Yuuri has his whole life ahead of him, why stop and worry about getting married right now. That's not even something I plan on doing, even if Beka proposed to me, I would most likely decline.

I mean sure, I've known that Viktor and Yuuri were getting married for a long time, but it's getting annoying how much they act like they're "star crossed lovers"

I guess, Betas really are just meant to be the "friend dynamic"

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