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WARNING: A lot of strong language in this chapter

The next time I woke up, darkness surrounded the room I was being held captive in by these 3 apparent assholes. And as I slightly suspected would eventually happen, my hands were tied

"Are you with the OPA or something?!"

"I didn't think omegas had a strategic thought process, or the mental capacity to come to a conclusion like that, but yes, we are."


"And you're Yuri Plisetsky, an omega, that is nearing the age of 18 and still not mated with no children. Such a shame such a fertile omega isn't being used during its prime time.

"Bitch I don't know why the fuck you're hear, or how the fuck you found my apartment, but get the fuck out."

"Why should we do that?"

"Because the OPA is dumb as fuck and you are too."

The guy who must have been sitting on my earlier was standing in the corner of my small living room when he spoke up.

"It's not very nice to speak to alphas like that. We give you everything you need."

Yuri gave a reply with obvious sarcasm in his voice, "Yeah, sure"

The blonde then put on his most menacing glare as possible and faced his newfound enemies,
"Listen bitches, I can kick your asses so badly that you won't even go into ruts anymore, do you understand me? And when my boyfriend gets home he'll call the police and put your sorry asses in jail."

"You'd be surprised with the amount of cops who work with the OPA.  I doubt they would save you from us",
The woman speaking chuckled.

"But I can't see any good reason why you wouldn't want to serve your purpose."

"Because it's fucked up thats why."
Yuri spat out the sentence, his voice laced with venom.

He began struggling to get his wrists out of the rope that were holding them, struggling harshly enough to leave an undeniable rope burn.

The woman caught on to this and turned to her two partners.

"He's struggling, should we grab him."

One of her colleagues nodded to her in agreement and they scooped up Yuri, and plopped him down onto his kitchen.

"If you don't like me struggling, than just leave my house bitches."

Yuri was suddenly slapped across the face by one of the guys.

"Listen you pathetic little omega, I will not tolerate this kind of behavior, and that is not a way you speak to alphas, do you understand me?"


"We were thinking about taking you to one of our breeding facilities, but since you're an athlete, we figured people would become suspicious, so we can't risk getting caught, the government isn't ok with the OPA."

Yuri's eyes widened, and he began struggling again,  to get off of the kitchen table.

One of the female alphas in the room grabbed him by the front of his shirt and held him to where his feet wouldn't be touching the ground. Yuri froze.

"Wow Celestino! Feel how light he is."

Yuri figured that as he was being passed around to be held by the 3 alphas hat they were either genuinely really excited to hold a lightweight omega, or they wanted to humiliate him.

"God, he'd be so easy to use for my ruts, it'd be easier to hold him down."

The man, Celestino,

Why did that name sound familiar?
Picked up Yuri's legs into a certain hold so the omega would technically be straddling the mans waist, but the man still had a firm grab on his ass.
"You know we couldn't take him for our own even if we wanted to"

The blonde saw the sudden small conversation as a distraction and swung his leg into Celestino's crotch, before being dropped onto the floor, bolting to his bedroom, and locking the door as best he could with tied up hands.

He walked into the bathroom connected to his room, and found a razor to cut his hands free. He struggled for a while but once he could use his hands again, he bolted forwards the house phone he kept in his bedroom just in case of emergencies.

Once he realized that he and Otabek's room were connected by a bathroom he ran through the bathroom to lock all of Otabek's bedroom doors, and any other doors that could lead somebody into his bedroom.

Once he had made sure he was safe, he dialed 911 with his house phone.

Yuri figured that if the 3 alphas downstairs had been right about the cops working with the OPA, he wouldn't have a good excuse for the cops to come if alphas were harassing him.

Sad world. He thought.

Once the receiver for 911 picked up, Yuri said that he had 3 people break in, and that it had been a trespassing problem.

Now that he had made the phone call,

All he could do was wait.


I'm really sorry that I haven't been able to update in a while, finals were kicking my ass the last couple of weeks, so I didn't have much free time.

The next update will be longer, and I hope I guys r enjoying the story so far.

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