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I am so so so sorry for the lack of updates, school has really been beating my ass and I've been dealing with a minor medical issue that's been going on for the past few months which has really been destroying my mental health and caused my depression to be awful, so I've been on a lot of different medications to help my medical issue and my depression and my meds gave me terrible insomnia which gave me a major lack of effort in everything. So in order to not fail all my classes I had to put school before everything else. So that's a main reason why I haven't either been uploading new chapters or even writing that much. But now that my medical problem (an AWFUL hormone imbalance that I've been dealing with for over a year) has been resolved and I'm sleeping a little bit more than 2 hours every night I'm going to try and pick up the pace with updates but hopefully now I'll have more time to focus on writing to still give quality content. Here's a big thanks to all the people who are still following this story!! You guys mean the world to me!!

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