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AUTHORS NOTE: I am so so so so sorry for the lack of updating, I've been having some major writers block, due to that his is going to be a short chapter, but I promise that when I start getting more ideas, I'll be able to write more interesting and eventful chapters!

After what felt like years, Beka finally came home. I didn't realize how much of a mess my earlier experience made me. But thinking about the entire thing made me sure of one thing...
I'm not trusting anyone except Beka for a while. Which made me paranoid about everyone and everything, but I mean in my defense, who wouldn't be?

When he walked through the front door, I was instantly calmed by the scent of Otabek, and I hadn't even realized that I had missed him that much.

I ran up to him and and immediately locked my arms around his neck and wrapped my legs around his torso.

"I missed you Beka"

I felt him nuzzle into my scent gland.

"I did too."

"Can I ask you something?"

Otabek presses a kiss onto my forehead.

"Of course"

"I-I want you to bite me"

He looked at me a bit puzzled.

"Are you sure?"


I nuzzled my face into his shoulder blade.

I felt Otabeks jaw move as he slowly began to grin.

"Well we should probably go lay down then. It'll hurt."

"I know."

We made out pretty much the entire way to my bedroom. He plopped me down onto my bed and then sat up and motioned for me to sit on his lap. We made out for a while again while Beka took off my sweatshirt in order to have more access to my scent gland.

"I love you Yura, thank you for letting me mark you."

"My pleasure"

I felt him push my hair back and slowly sink his teeth into my skin. I was incredibly embarrassed when I whimpered from the pain and unconsciously tried to move away until Otabek held me in place. It was an agonizing 30 seconds or so when Beka finally pulled his teeth out of my neck, and I winced when I saw all of the blood in his mouth, only to look down and see the blood dripping down my shoulder.

"I'll go get you a wet towel, and I'll go wash out my mouth."


Beka came back and helped me clean out my neck and put mad aids and shit on it, and we ended up laying down in bed watching random chick-flicks on my laptop, and for the first time in a really fucking long time. I felt safe.

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