#JustWriteDay - Reflections: "What Is Home?"

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Commodore Kali Reddick has just awakened in her bridge side ready room from the most restorative slumber she's had in days. Perhaps even months. She stretches, swings her feet out of bed, and pulls herself to her feet. Then, she folds her bunk away and restores her ready room to an office. Before alerting the bridge crew that her do not disturb is no longer in play, she strides toward the port-side viewing area, looks out and sighs. There before her, so close that she could see the outlines of nearly three continents - was home.
Until she had left the confines of our Solar System, Kali had never appreciated just how beautiful Earth could ever be. After a three year long assignment she was more than ready to be home again. But, what is home, exactly? Is it a place? A feeling? A way of being? All of these things pinged around inside Kali's mind as she stood stock still, taking in the majesty that lies before her.

Kali -

I can't believe we're just a few hours away from docking for shore leave. What a long strange trip it's been. And what an odd duty assignment, too.

The irony of sending a woman named for the goddess of war on a mission of peace and reconciliation is absolutely delicious. The further we explore, the more we stumble into conflicts not of our making. I might never understand what it must be like to drop everything you've ever known to flee in search of safety for self and loved ones. What strength drives a family to leave comfort they've grown accustomed to? And what's so damned important that you'd rather destroy a thing rather than win it honorably? I press my head against the viewport and heave a weary breath. Dammit, I know that I'm not supposed to take sides, but frightened children are the same no matter the species, sub-culture or race.

While adults threaten each other, predating on the weak and manipulating their way into power with fear, what becomes of us meant to remain impartial while making untidy situations go unnoticed? I stand here staring at my home world from thousands of miles above the planet's surface wondering what my life would be like if I'd not had a stable loving place to be. What kind of human would I have become if running and hiding was all I'd ever known?

The most fulfilling part of my assignment has definitely been reuniting families with their ancestral people and lands. Though I'm not supposed to care, it's hard to remain unmoved while watching Elders open their arms to receive their loved ones back from exile. I refuse to deny feeling inspired by the deep gratitude of anyone who falls to their knees and bursts into tears as they touch the soil of their ancestors for the first time in centuries. All because today, some far off, faceless council has declared them worthy of repatriation.

So, what is home? Home is in our hearts. It lives in our deepest memories, and it reminds us to be the best we can be. Home is the place in our soul where unconditional acceptance keeps the light on, and will always welcome us back, no matter how long we've been away.

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