Plot Bunny: Doctor Strange/WoC Original Character - Redemption Arc

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Current events often present me with tons of ideas ✨💡✨ and the last few days have been exceptional at creating quite a few plot bunnies that will not be ignored. But, there's one in particular that won't hop away willingly. Unfortunately, I've fed and watered the little bugger, and it's growing bigger by the day.

To those familiar with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, we're aware that in canon - Doctor Stephen Strange is a world renowned Neurosurgeon. And, just before the beginning of his redemption arc, he was going over details about prospective patients with "Nurse Billy". (Don't make that face - dude has his own MCU Wikia page)
Moments after chastising Billy for suggesting a surgical candidate with a brain stem glioma that could ruin his "perfect record", karma doubled down and sent his ass along with his bright, shiny Lambo Huracán straight into the drink. Bloop! - glug, glug... see ya. And thus began a journey that featured the transformation of a lost, broken man. It follows his trek across the globe, and shows the shift in his mindset from entitlement, and arrogance and utter despair to find awareness of his higher purpose and all that noise.

Cue the trippy, heroic theme music:

My quirky little AU is this:   What if Stephen Strange had become part of the med/surg team of an ailing Senator from the desert Southwest? What might that have been like for Strange, knowing that he was locked in a battle against one of the most aggressive forms of cancer that exists? Would he have been tempted to use his powers to save his patient, or accept the limitations of his surgical skills? And, who might Strange have confided in while struggling to heal the Senator knowing that there's no cure in sight?
Of course I have several set pieces floating around in my thought bubble that would answer all those things. Fleshing them out and putting everything together might take a while, but I am really fascinated by the idea. There will probably be quite a bit of soul searching, lots of feels, some dancing and perhaps even a bit of astral projection naughtiness during the interplay of Strange, and his chosen confidant.  An original character. From Washington, DC maybe...?  I'm sure that I could conjure up someone like that. Right?   🤔💭

Spoilers, darling...

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