The Mystique of Fall

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The spirit of Fall is in full swing
October with its dissonant mystique is here

Trees once fertile and lush sacrifice their greenery
The luster of dappled sunlight streams through barren branches
Sidewalks and forrest floors become littered with newly fallen leaves

Is today the day?

Will I summon the courage?

Yes. Today is the day
I will wear my favorite outfit and hold my head high

Without trepidation or reservation
I will march proudly down the street
Messy bun, black yoga pants, fleece hoodie, feet clad in uggs

And, I will...

I will fling open the doors of that coffee shop wide, and I will wait my turn in line

Comforted by the resounding, persistent thrumming of my phone
Each step takes me closer to my goal

Finally, the moment has arrived. I swallow hard, step forward and make my earnest request -

Pumpkin spice latte, please. And, a pecan square - to go.

The barista nods dutifully
Completing each task beautifully

What joyous fortune! Fresh cream! Warm, freshly baked bars!
I revel in my favor, giving silent thanks to the barista for their labor
Leaving a generous tip in the labeled jar

A soft, shy smile lights my face

I have decided for once to breathe free. Proud of the things that I do to please me.

I am she
Basic though I may be

Unapologetic lover of Fall spices
One of the season's lesser vices

And with that, seek to eradicate my shame
To bring respect back to the game
Haters, after all are quite lame

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