Double Plot Bunny: "Different Drummer" - BBC Sherlock and British Actor RPF

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Been quibbling with a one particular plot bunny for so long that it cloned itself and gave me two Cumberbatch ideas. One as Sherlock the other in my RPF one shots.

The idea first occurred to me while looking for drum covers for my beloved Anna to play.

Since Sherlock was kind enough to consult with her friend from back home, Davy (Grohl, that is... 😉) to refurbish the room above the sitting room in 221B, and furnish The Behaviorist with a custom drum kit - things have been quite interesting indeed in Baker Street. To prevent the reemergence of Shezza, one day while Anna is on campus, John at the surgery and Mrs. Hudson is tear-assing through London with Mr. Chatterjee in her Aston Martin Sherlock found himself in the music room doorway staring at Anna's drums. He approached the riser, sat down behind the kit and spun himself around on the stool. He picked up a pair of sticks and tapped out a rudiment without understanding that he'd even know how. He was so pleased with himself that he called Anna's niece Marley to ask her advice. As luck would have it, she was between classes and able to take his call right away. Sherlock and Marley conspired to have young Miss Eberhardt teach drums to her favorite Consulting Detective until he was confident enough to play on his own. As Sherlock grew to love the aggression and precision of drumming, he decided to share his newfound talent with the world. But how? He didn't want any attention, per se. As ever, he just wanted to show off a bit. So, he devised a plan to allow him to do exactly that. He positioned the camera from one of his phones so that it was aimed at the drum kit, clad himself in black including a mask he'd found while out on one of his cases and beat those drums like they stole something from him.

In the RPF version, out of curiosity, Benedict visits Anna's empty practice studio while she's elsewhere in London. He unlocks the door, turns on the lights and gasps at the sight of her beautiful drum kit. He approaches it almost reverently as he decides to take a seat behind the drums. He giggles and spins himself 'round to adjust the stool, feeling a little giddy, and quite pleased with himself. He quirks a mischievous brow, fishes around in a pocket for his iPhone, and scrolls through his music library. He worries his lower lip a bit as he chooses a song, then pops in his earbuds and covers them with the headset hung conveniently nearby. Benedict eyes a holder full of different sized drumsticks, fetches up a pair, and starts his chosen song: "I'm Afraid of Americans" by David Bowie. He's chosen this song because it's the theme song of one of Anna's favorite shows on telly. He stretches during the intro, then begins to play. He feels a sense of power and aggression that wholly unusual, but loves the feeling of freedom that playing is giving him. When the song ends, he feels completely spent. Without noticing, Benedict dropped the sticks, and has slumped forward. He removes the gloves, then the mask. "Whoa!", he chuckles. "Bloody feckin' hell! What was that?!"
Benedict laughs out loud because this surreal experience crystallizes exactly why his beautiful wife loves playing the drums so much. He watches the video several times, then uploads it to YouTube. Before he knows it, the video has more than 18,ooo views and Anna has found a new favorite percussionist. Every time Anna watches another new video, he struggles not to blurt out that the secret drummer is in fact someone she knows extraordinarily well.

Thanks to holding on to his little secret, Benedict's energy level and libido have increased by leaps and bounds. Anna has no idea what to make of this turn of events, but has appreciated every sexy moment.

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