Geeking Out? Fangirling, or Just Plain Being a Stan...?

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It's holiday time, blah-blah-blah, or fa-lala-la-lah, or whatever... I'm barely finished with my pumpkin pie, and here come Christmas carols.

Never one for traditional thinking or hive mind - I've come to enjoy less traditional holiday fare when it comes to movies and such. You'd sooner catch me watching Die Hard than Hallmark anything because... Hans Gruber.

 Hans Gruber

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Anyway, I'm here to geek out while I Stan for one of my all time faves -
Strange Days:

Of modern movies with a holiday season backdrop - it has become one of my favorite movies

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Of modern movies with a holiday season backdrop - it has become one of my favorite movies. And not just during the holidays, but any time. "Strange Days" has a distinctly dystopian spin on what director Kathryn Bigelow and scriptwriter James Cameron (yes, the James Cameron...) thought the world would be like at the dawn of the new millennium. Sadly the movie straddled so many genres that it went widely unappreciated after its release in 1995. The film had a somewhat tepid opening weekend, and critics were divided on the film. Haters gon' hate. Entertainment Weekly gave it a B-, but film critic Roger Ebert gave it four stars and noted that it was: "...the first movie about virtual reality to deal in a challenging way with the implications of the technology."
Thank goodness for cable and streaming, because the movie has found its second wind and is becoming a low key cult favorite among lovers of Science Fiction, Neo-Noir, and even action flicks. (Gotta love an action flick of this caliber helmed by a woman. A bit more on that down the page) The stunts are amazing, both the CGI and FX have aged quite well, and the soundtrack is freakin' ah-mazing 🤘😝🤘

Long before virtual reality became widely available all over the First World, the overarching theme about a fictional VR system called S.Q.U.I.D. probably seemed much too unrealistic to be plausible.

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