If I Must - International Fanworks Day Drabble (2015)

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With Doctor Eberhardt down with the flu, John and Sherlock find themselves dateless on Valentine's Day. Or are they...?

Between tear-assing through Greater London with Sherlock and his day job at the surgery, John rarely has time to indulge his passion for music or good food.
A recommendation from a friend makes John a little curious about a nearby restaurant. He'd heard that it serves up tasty authentic American barbecue and has live music on weekends.
Since neither man has a date for Valentines Day, John cajoles the detective into an evening of beer, and blues. A burger, maybe?

Sherlock pouts, complains, and trudges along... But, secretly looks forward to stealing quite a few chips from John's plate.


Author's Note: I do love good old fashioned 100 word drabbles and, as stated on the tin - this one was written for International Fanworks Day in 2015.
I've been giving some thought to fleshing out this narrative for a Valentine's Day one-shot. Dr Eberhardt down with the flu 🤔💭? One could only imagine what concoctions and potions Sherlock would create to get his housemate back on the road to health. After extensive research, of course. Good thing John and Mrs Hudson would also be around to keep things from going catastrophically pear shaped.

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