Manips: Ballet!Lock/BalletBatch and Other Flights of Fancy

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Why write this chapter? Because I've commissioned illustrations from my friend Marianne, and haven't used them yet.

She gave me beautiful manips and, true to my nature - I've been dickering around with them ever since

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She gave me beautiful manips and, true to my nature - I've been dickering around with them ever since. I'm really glad that she doesn't mind terribly much. But, her hard work does deserve a shout-out and this is my feeble attempt at giving my friend proper credit for her art, and many thanks for indulging my somewhat complex fangirling, ummm... I mean muse.

This all started one day when I was roaming around on Tumblr and found a picture that looked like it would be a great stand-in for two versions of one person. So asked Marianne if she could work her particular magic on my request, and she said "Oh yeah, I can do that. Do you have a head in mind, or...?" Well, she found two heads that worked perfectly, and the results are shown below.

Ballet!Lock - Marianne's Original:

Ballet!Lock - Marianne's Original:

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My edits -

BalletBatch - Marianne's Original:

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BalletBatch - Marianne's Original:

BalletBatch - Marianne's Original:

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