Joseph Oda headcannons

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I forgot to mention that these headcannons are for a specific AU I have, although I tried to base them off the original characters and what I found one the evil within wiki about them.

-Fluent in Japanese and French

-Prefers Tea of over Coffee

-Hella sassy

-Better than you

-Really God damn good at makeup

-No joke, he's like WAY fucking better than most Instagram MUA's (makeup artist)

-Has contacts but prefers to wear his glasses

-Really shy around new people

-Will not shut up around people he's comfortable with

-Prefers punk rock/Alternative and 70's 80's and 90's music over Pop and pop rock

-His fav bands/singers are: Panic! At the disco, Fall out Boy, My chemical romance, Halsey, Hollywood undead, etc.

-Is constantly teased by Seb about the fact that those bands are "emo" which they aren't

-Is hella strong, like, he's actually stronger than Seb, he can lift the damn man

-Better at playing instruments than Seb, can play the piano, the guitar, the drums, the flute, violin, chello, etc.

-Ray of sunshine

-Also a grade A badass (obviously)


-Gives zero shits about the weather, will wear shorts during the winter and sweaters when it 34 degrees Celsius outside

-Owns a shit tone of books

-Has a phone specifically for a specific game cause it doesn't work on his main phone.

-Sometimes composes his own tunes/songs when he's sad (kinda like Sherlock)

-A monster with a bow and arrow.

-Like he's hella accurate and never misses his target

-May or may not spend whole days playing video games

-The only one who cam cope without Seb when he's angry

-Helped Seb with his drinking problem (obviously)

-Loves cats

-Dogs as well

-Had three dogs and two cats when he was younger.

-Often names his weapons

-Idolizes Andrew Scott (cause he's such a babe)

-Loves Seb and Lily more than anything.


This is actually really fun to do and it doesn't take too long so there's that.


Also the picture at the beginning is Andrew Scott cause I mentioned him in this.

He plays Moriarty in the BBC Sherlock


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