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This is just to give some background that this takes place after the first movie after Pamela Voorhees is killed, however nobody knows that Jason has taken her place as the new killer. 

It takes place at Packanack and the crew is expecting a ton of kids to come this year since it's the grand opening of the camp, which is only half a mile away from the abandoned Crystal Lake. Since they expect so many kids, counselors have to split the cabins in halves to make sure the kids are supervised at all times, which is why there's 13.

In this version, Tommy Jarvis is actually the founder of the new camp and has no vendetta against Jason...yet.

((EDIT: Not every character is going to have a flashback because 1) there's so many and 2) people have so many different angles on a character that its impossible to please everyone. After I finish the story, I might add in the counselors who didn't get a flashback as an epilogue type of thing? But who knows?))

((Also, if you're wanting to skip the beginning part and go straight to the killing, I'll have a little shortcut placed here for you once it's up.)) <----- UPDATE: To skip to killing go to Chapter 7: Goodnight.






*I'm planning on doing short romances that involve

-Tiffany and Kenny (it's canon anyways, plus I think they're cute)

-AJ and Adam(purely because canon)

-Chad and Jenny

-Chad and Buggzy(?)

-Eric and Deborah

-Tommy and Deborah(?)

-Fox and Tiffany (I think an over protective Fox with Tiffany is just....incredible.)

-Vanessa and Chad(probably not, I don't see Vanessa really into the dating scene but if I had to pick her to have a fling with someone.)


***I'm sticking to the movies and keeping the tradition of only having one final girl. Might keep one final guy too. All characters are pretty deserving of escape, and each have their own sad backstory that makes them open up more to readers. ***

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