Chapter 6: Second Night

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((Fox's POV)) 

This is lame. We're sitting around a campfire, talking about how nice everyone looks. It's honestly making my sick. Or was that just the meatloaf Rob made?

Kenny and Tiffany were holding hands. AJ and Adam were holding hands. Even that prick Chad was holding hands with Little Miss Perfect Jenny. I've had enough of this.

I got up and started walking back to my cabin. 

"Hey!" a voice said followed by footsteps.

I turned around with my fists clenched.

"Where are you going?" asked Tiffany. 

"Why do you care?"

"Well, we're roommates now and you haven't seemed to make friends yet."

"I don't care about any of you."

She frowned at me.

"We have to see each other the entire summer; don't you think we ought to make do?"

"I don't have to do anything." I turned around and started walking back to the cabin. I walked through the door and took of my boots and layed down on my bed. Then the door creaked open.

"Is something wrong?" Tiffany asked.

"Holy shit," I said "You deaf? Go away."

She sat down on the bed next to me. I started getting a little warm.

"No, I'm just persistent." she scoffed.

I gave her an evil glance but she said there, unbothered with a smile still on her cute, dopey face.

"Why do you care? Go talk with your boyfriend."

She sat there for a minute, caught off guard.

"How about this? You and I are going to play this game. If you win, you get to sit here and I won't bother you for the rest of the summer. But if I win, you have to come join us for 5 minutes."

I gave her a weird look. 

"Deal?" she asked.


"Come on. Even if you lose, it's 5 minutes. I have a whole summer if I lose. Don't be so chicken."

"I'm no chicken." I sat up and faced her. "You're on."

She smiled.

"The game is ultimate dare," she explained. "We flip a coin and the winner gets to choose the first dare. If the other person does it, then they get to say a dare. The process goes on until one of us gives in." 

I raised an eyebrow up at her.

"Any dare?" I asked.

She nodded her head.

"Okay." I said.

She got up and dug through her purse for a quarter. She flicked it up in the air.

"Heads." I called.

The quarter fell and she smacked it onto the back of her hand.

"Heads," she said. "Dare away."

She won't even make it past the first one.

"I dare kiss me." I laughed.

She stepped close and gave me a kiss for about 3 whole seconds, but it felt like an eternity.

"Woah..." I gasped as she pulled away.

"That was your first dare?" She mocked. "I got a better one for you. I dare walk outside without any pants on."

"Easy." I said, pulling my pants down. 

I walked to the door and peeked outside. 

My legs aren't moving. 


"Go on!" Tiff encouraged.

"You know what? What's five minutes anyways." I said putting my pants back on.

"Okay, I'll be waiting." she laughed. "Don't forget your boots." 

She walked through the door and stuck out her tongue through the window. Then giving me a wink, she turned back and headed towards the fire.

Maybe this summer won't suck after all.


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