Chapter 3: Night One

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((Jenny Myers POV))

((Also, I'm skipping the AJ flashback for now because I've seen many different sides on how she acts and she's one of those characters you either love or hate, so it's hard for me to find a suitable backstory for her right now.))

"There!" I said to myself as I folded my last pair of pants.

"Come on," said Tiffany. "We're going to be late!" 

I hurried putting my clothes in the dresser and followed Tiff out the door. Hard to believe I had the beauty guru as my cabin mate. She was so pretty and her teeth were so white and sparkly. I expected her to be a total ass. Instead she was so kind. Absolutely ditsy, but kind nonetheless.

"I wonder how many kids are going to be here," said Tiffany "I mean, they have-what? 13 counselors?"

"Well with camp opening up near the old Camp Crystal Lake, I guess some kids took interest."

"Any murderers come on this camp, I'll call my dad on them," she smirked "He's head chief of police."

Before I could respond, a furry creature hurdled towards me and landed on my face. 

"Oh my God, you're going to catch a hernia!" she screamed. 

The animal fell to my hands, as a boy starts laughing hysterically in the distance.

"It's just a raccoon crockett hat?" I said.

"SHELDON!" yelled Tiffany.

"Hey dumb ass, you can't catch a hernia from an animal," said Sheldon "It's rabies."

"Seriously, Tiff?" asked a boy hiding behind a tree.

"Chad, you know I'm terrified of raccoons, possums, snakes, rabbits, gorillas, drug store makeup, crabs, worms, birds--"

"Who are you?" Chad asked.

He was stunningly handsome. His shoulders so broad, his tanned skin and golden surfer hair. He had eyes bluer than the lake, and was tall as a professional basketball player.

"I'm Jenny," I managed to say "I'm guessing you're Chad, and that's Sheldon."

"You weren't scared at all?" Sheldon asked.

"That's kind of hot." Chad said.

I could feel my cheeks getting red. He seems like such an asshole. Why am I blushing?

"Let's go, Jenny!" exclaimed Tiffany. 

She grabbed my hand and lead my towards to the main lodge.

"See ya in a minute, Jenny." Chad said while winking.


We arrived at the cabin, followed by Chad and Sheldon shortly after.

Including myself, I counted 13. Looks like we were all here. Everyone started to shake hands and introduce themselves to one another. Weird how we all ended up here. If this were high school, our paths never would have crossed. We're all so....different.

Kenny stood up.

"Now that we all got to know each other a bit, let's talk about preparation. As you all know, we are expecting a lot of kids this summer, which is why there's so many of us. Eric, Rob, and myself will be staying upstairs in the main lodge, while the rest of you share a cabin with another counselor."

"Yeah, I hate that." blurted Fox.

"Couldn't agree more." said Deborah, giving Fox a dirty glance.

"It hasn't even been two hours yet, and you already hate one another?" asked Kenny. 

"She took my headband without asking!" shouted Fox.

"I didn't know it was yours?" Deborah argued. "Least I didn't throw your books in the lake." 

"I did that because you stole my headba--"

"I'll switch with them if I have to?" asked Tiffany.

Ouch. Was that her nice way of saying she didn't want me as a roommate?

"Well, I ain't moving. I'm unpacked" said Fox.

"Deborah, you'll move your stuff and stay with Jenny," said Kenny. "Tiffany, you'll move your stuff and stay with Fox? Cool?"

Tiff gave a thumbs up while Deborah rolled her eyes at Fox.

"Ooh, sounds good to me," said Fox, winking at Tiffany.

Kenny continued. 

"Before I go on, anyone else need to switch?"

Everyone nodded.

"Okay, Eric, Rob, and I are here. Mitch and Adam. Tiffany and Fox. Deborah and Jenny. AJ and Vanessa. Chad and Sheldon. And Buggzy, looks like you're the lucky counselor with a cabin all to yourself."

Buggzy smirked and took a bow.

"Now," continued Kenny. "The first 2 days, Tommy wants us to get to know the campgrounds a bit, so he said to have fun and just unwind and unpack. The rest of the time, we need to keep our cabins clean and plan activities for the welcoming day."

He continued on and on, then let Eric and Rob speak on what they were thinking of doing at the camp. It was pretty basic, but we all went along with it, too exhausted to put in any input.

After we were dismissed, we all headed back to our cabins. Tiffany barely unpacked, so she just picked up her stuff, waved goodbye and walked out. Twenty minutes later, Deborah walked in.

"Hey," she greeted. "Wow, thank God I'm out of there. Fox made our room so messy within seconds." 

"Well," I laughed. "Maybe she was just raised a different way."

"More raised in prison," she joked. She set her stuff down and started unpacking. 

"Oh no," Deborah sighed. "Fox must have thrown my sweater in the ground looking for her stupid headband." 

She held up the sweater, covered in mud all through the back. 

"I can clean it up for you." I said. 


"Yeah, I have two little brothers, so I kinda know how to get stains out."

Deborah smiled as I took the sweater. We began walking to the restrooms across the camp. 

Here's to making new friends.

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