Chapter 1: Arrivals

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((Eric LaChappa's POV))

~Rumppppppahaarrrrararaa ra lump~

I opened my eyes and slammed my hand down on the alarm clock. It sounded like the most obnoxious dump truck in the world. I slowly rolled over to the side of the bed, gently lifting my back up and legs hanging off the side of the bed. I reached for my glasses and put them on. 


"Damn," I mumbled, "Alarm clock's broke....again." 

I unwinded the clock and put it face down against the nightstand. I got up and walked downstairs, completely dumbfounded by how trashy I left the place. The other counselors would be here in an hour and a half and I still have pizza boxes and my rocket models out. 

The cleaning process was long and hard but as soon as I sprayed the last window, I see the first counselor in the distance walking towards the cabin. As her figure came closer, I rubbed my glasses on my shirt. I squinted, astonished by the beauty I saw. 

She managed to look like a businesswoman with her brown speckled glasses and her dark lipstick which matched her complexion as the sun glistened off her specs. I needed to introduce myself.

"Welcome to Camp Packanack!" I squealed. 

Wow, your voice went up 100 octaves higher than needed. Good one.

"Hi..." she began, "I'm Deborah Kim, one of the new cou--"

She coughed and looked up at down at me. 

As I began to ask what was wrong, I felt a slight breeze. 

Holy shit. I'm not wearing any pants. 

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry," I cried "I woke up late and needed to clean before everyone got here and I had to walk so far to take the trash out and I needed to hang up my jeans and--and---and-"

"It's okay," she chuckled "I won't tell. Mind if I set my stuff down?" 

"Absolutely," I stated "Let me just...get some pants."

I ran upstairs and grabbed some old khakis and ran back down only to find 2 more people showed up. 

Thank God I'm actually dressed now.

"Hello, Welcome to Camp Packanack," I said "I'm Eric. Nice to meet you, uh-"

"Kenny. Kenny Riedell, I'm the other head counselor."

He had a scruffy beard and looked like a lumberjack with his ripped flannel shirt with denim shorts and hiking boots all tucked in and was a bit too small for his build. He had a warm, genuine smile and he had to look of a toddler in a toy store. I could tell he is actually looking forward to this. 

"And I'm Brandon Wilson. But most people call my Buggzy." 

His voice was deep and he seemed a bit of a narcissist considering the 80 degree weather and wearing his basketball leather jacket and a chain with a gold plated number 1 on it. His buzzed head and dark eyes pierced through me to no end. 

As intimidated I as I was, I managed to let out a weak 'Nice to meet you' and shake hands. 

I sat down and noticed Deborah was reading Of Mice and Men, looking intently at each word. I followed her eyes and saw how fast she was reading. Has she already read this before? Before I could bother to ask, I hear a knock on the door. 

Jesus, did they all car pool?

I went to the door and saw this punk biker chick, which short curly hair and with the biggest lips I have ever seen. She had spikes on her boots and leather jacket, and had her pierced all around her ears. 

She blew her bubblegum then asked with no enthusiasm,

"You Kenny?"

"No, I uh...I'm Eric. Nice to"

"Name's Fox. Now where's my cabin?"

"Oh, other counselors are here, would you like to meet th--"

"Wheres. My. Cabin?" she demanded. 

I went to the coffee table and picked up one of the several maps which indicated the cabins and who was in charge of them. I handed it back to her and she picked up her bags and walked towards her cabin. 

"She sure was lively," Deborah said from the sofa. 

I chuckled and handed off maps to the 3 counselors. 

"You guys can go to your cabins to if you want," I stated "But I think we should have a meeting tonight about what the plan is for this week of preparation if that's okay?"

Buggzy nodded and grabbed a map, then headed out the door. 

"Yeah, that sounds good," Kenny agreed "See you at 5-ish?"

I nodded. He turned around and headed to unpack. 

"Uhh...need help with your bags?" I asked Deborah. 

"Thanks, but I'd like to stay here for a minute if you don't mind. I had to walk a few miles to get here because my bike fell apart," she started "And when other counselors get here, it might help to have someone watch your back and make sure your pants don't fall off."

I looked at her, flabergasted and overcome with shame before she began to laugh.

"I'm just messing with you," she laughed "It was probably the best first impression I got so far." 

I cracked a smile and sat down the other side of the couch, asking her about her book. 

Stay cool, just keep up small talk until the other counselors arrive.

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