Jenny Flashback

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((Since Jenny Myers was named as homage to the infamous Micheal Myers, I decided to make her backstory go down this path.))

Jimmy and Jensen were flicking each other at the tables, shouting.

"Boys, knock it off" I hushed.

"He started it!" they both said.

"Do you guys want to see Dad today or not?"

They both nodded.

"James Myers, visiting room in 5." said the woman on the intercom.

It was cold, room plastered in white bricks and grey marbled floors. The glass was filthy and the phone looked like it had taken a shit.

The cell door opened, and Dad came out, handcuffed, and a guard walking behind him. Dad picked up his phone, then I picked up mine.

"Hey," I started.

"How's your mom doing?" he asked.

My smile shifted into a frown.

"She's mortified."

"Daddy, daddy," shouted Jensen.

"Dad, I went to to science museum and there was this bee exhibit and did you know bees can sting people but only if--" Jimmy was saying into the phone.

"Hey, let me finish talking guys," I said. "Then you'll get to tell your stories."

They nodded and took a seat beside me.

"Tell your mother that Bill's gonna prove it wasn't me." he said. "She has to know, this wasn't me."

"You were caught on CCTV--"

"NO IT'S WRONG!" slammed Dad.

The guard behind him took a step forward, giving him a look of warning.

Dad put his hand up and apologized.

"Honey, you have to believe me, I would not ever put a hand on him."

"Let's not talk about  this--"

"I didn't kill my brother dammit," he snapped. "I would never hurt your uncle."

"Okay." I said calmly.

"Just...ju-just, do as I asked you over the phone?"

"I don't know why you want us to go the Camp Packanack for the summer and--"

"Please. You'll understand. You're going to see." he begged. He looked truly miserable and desperate. 

"We were already going," I replied. "The boys need to get out of the house and mom needs time to process."

Dad nodded. 

"Let me talk to the boys." he said.

I gave the phone to them and let them ramble out their stories as Dad unsuccessfully tried to look interested.


I leaned my head on the steering wheel.

That motherfucking piece of shit. "I didn't kill him" my ass.

Our uncle was the one looking after us while you were on your ass getting drunk. He did everything for us, and you killed him because you thought mom was cheating on you, a deadbeat.

"What's wrong?" asked Jensen.

I was silent for a long time. 

"Nothing," I answered. "You guys ready for summer camp?"

They both cheered.

I laughed and drove out of the parking lot.

What does Dad think I'm going to find at this Camp?

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