Chapter 7: Goodnight

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((Sheldon's POV))

I had to leave the campfire because everyone seemed to be getting annoyed with me and my jokes. But honestly, it's just a damn joke, people need to lighten up, especially Tiffany and Deborah. They constantly bitch at me for trying to have a little fun. Still, I'd rather have people be angry at me than tease me. Everyone in school made sure to laugh at my weight, my hair, my clothes, basically everything. Even the people I thought were my friends. I'm funny and people don't know that about me yet. Maybe if I try a new prank it would make them understand it too. 

Just then I heard the cabin door open.

"I get it Rob, I'm leaving the girls alone." I said.

I turned around and nobody was there. 

"Tiffany, you already got back at me and you know if you try something, I'll hit back a hundred times wor------"

I stopped as a felt a sharp pain in my shoulder. As I started to turn around, I was kicked to the ground.

Fuck, I'm bleeding out.

I rolled on my back and looked up.

"You''re r-r-real?" I yelled.

He placed his foot on my leg and start pressing down. I screamed in agony.


He put his hands around my head and twisted. It was so slow, my neck was throbbing. I heard a bone snap. He dropped my body to the ground. My eyes rolled in the back of my head. I'm dead now.


((Chad's POV))

I knocked at the door. 

"Shelly, what were you screaming, dude," I said. "Come on, we're about to end the fire with skinny dipping."

No response.

I walked in and saw Sheldon on the floor covered in blood.

"Jesus....fuck..." I said. 

He didn't say anything.

"Dude, I totally got you. I'll grab the others, they are going to freak the fuck out."

No response.

"It's just me Shelly, say ok or something?"


"Cut it out it's not funny."


"Okay, I'll get the others in, I see you're really into character."

I turned back and walked back towards the fire.


"Where's Sheldon?" Eric asked.

"Ugh, who cares?" Tiffany said.

"Guys there's an emergency!" I exclaimed, trying not to smile.

"Yeah, okay." said Kenny.

"Guys, seriously!" 

"Knock that off Chad," Adam said. "You guys have been dicks lately pranking all of us."

"Okay, okay, shit." I surrendered. "But somebody better tell Shelly that it didn't work. I'm getting the silent treatment."

"Let him throw his tantrum," Vanessa said. "He'll come back soon."

"How about a little music in the meantime?" Jenny smirked.

She switched the radio on and on came some summer jams. 

"Oh my god, I love this song!" Tiff yelled. She started doing some dance moves I've seen her and her friends do. I looked over and Kenny who was looking doe-eyed at Tiffany. While Fox, looked like she couldn't decide to join or watch.

Everyone else started dancing along too on the porch, except Rob, Kenny, Fox, Mitch, and Vanessa. 


"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" Vanessa screamed, as she was covered in blood. She ran towards the lake, revealing Rob with a knife through his eye.

Rob fell to the ground and didn't get up.

"FUCK; RUN; JASON; HOLY SHIT; FUCK; FUCK; AHH" everyone was screaming. 

Jason started walking towards us. Everyone started running in different directions. I looked around trying to find Tiff, but she was far gone with Kenny.  

As Jason came closer, I stood there, frozen in fear, and just as Jason raised his axe:


Jason fell to the ground for a second, and as he got up Buggzy pushed me.

"Go!! Let's GO!" He yelled.

We started running up the hill, out of Jason's sight.

We hopped in through a window and Buggzy went and locked the door with our fire barricades. 

"What the fuck fuck fuck fuck..." I whimpered.

"Shut up, man." he whispered.

"Rob....oh fuck, Sheldon. My sister..." I cried.

"SHUT. UP." 

I nodded and went to a whisper.

"What the fuck do we do now?" 

He looked so calm, so sure of himself. He then looks up at me and says,

"Not a fucking clue."


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