Chapter 4: First Morning

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((Kenny's POV))

((During the mess hall scene, I took out a part from the Life is Strange: Before the Storm scene that I thought was so beautiful. I stole it and I'm proud. Don't hate on me, the credit for that scene goes to DeckNine))

I tip-toed down the stairs, trying not to wake anyone up. It was only 5 in the morning but the excitement filled my veins as to having a few days off. This was as close to a vacation as I was going to get, so I didn't want to miss a second of it.

I headed outside to the lower porch, looking over the lake. The sun's rays gently touched the sparkling water, an aurora of nature and tranquility that brought the birds out to softly whistle their favorite tunes. The geese on flew out onto the lake and swam in a flock, looking for food. The sky was a pinkish orange that looked like it was painted by Van Gogh.

After enjoying the scenery, I headed off to the restrooms, trying to not wake up any cabins I pass by. When I arrive, I begin to walk into the boys side when I hear a clanking sound against the concrete. 

"Shit," a soft voice sighed.

I walked over and picked up a can of medical spray. I handed it through the door, not looking in the girl's section.

"I'm dressed you can come in." the voice said.

I sat there, wondering if this was some sort of trick. 

"Seriously, I wouldn't mind a little help."

I walked in to find Tiffany, towel wrapped around her, trying to plug up the sink.

"The faucet broke and I knocked over my stuff trying to fix it." she explained.

I set the spray down and grabbed the knob of the faucet. After tinkering for a second, I managed to stick it on, stopping the water.

"Thanks." she said, picking up her beauty products.

"It wasn't a big deal," I replied. "You're up early." 

"That's the price of valor. That, and I wanted to get some hot water before everyone else got the same idea."

Her body was glistening from the water sliding down her skin. Her legs looked incredibly smooth and her scent was so strong I'm surprised I couldn't smell it outside. She smelled like berries; a type of smell that brings you back to your childhood. Her hair was wet and stuck together, looking like a shampoo model.

She reached in her shower bag and pulled out a bra, underwear, and a white T-shirt. She put it on under her towel and took the towel off.

"Uh...I'll let you finish your routine--"

"You can stay if you want to," she smiled. "I'm not done, and if that sink doesn't hold, I'm going to be clueless."

I curled my toes and lost feeling in my head. I felt a little dizzy. She wants me to shower right next to her? While she does her makeup?

"I-I don't know..." 

"Please," she insisted. "I know it sounds weird but I'm totally freaked out being alone here. With Crystal Lake and all."

She gave me a puppy eyed look and it felt like an arrow through my heart. 

"Sure" I said, puffing out my chest.

She smiled and turned back to the mirror.

"I won't look, promise."

I hung my clothes and towel on the hook and stepped into the shower. I took off my clothes and turned on the shower. As I was washing up, I heard a faint singing coming from the other side of the curtain.

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