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Your POV

I wake up right in the place I fell asleep at with the blanket expect the fireplace is not lit anymore and it's cold in the house. I shiver when I get up off of the floor, I quickly rap the blanket around me. I suddenly hear chuckling behind and I turn around, Normani is right there smirking at me.

"About you get up, since you woke up late, you get no breakfast. Now go and get dressed in these work clothes quickly also don't worry the pants have a hole for your tail, just put these over your clothes you wear for me."  She says then hands me them and I quickly put them on.

I quickly follow her out the door in a nice car and then Lauren drives us all to work. It was extremely awkward in the car because they were staring at me like they are studying and dissecting me in their mind.

Which is weird that Lauren is such a skilled driver on the road, I think that why it was so awkward and also terrifying.

We arrive, they get out the car first and then I get out then Normani takes my hand and leads me into the office like I have never been there before. I let out a big gasp as I see that the whole place is filled with demon and other things, literally the only one that is human is Ally.

She is literally just sitting at her office desk like she does not see any of this at all even the Change of color in the room, which by the way is now dark colors. I just stare at her in wonder as Normani drags me in to the office she shares with the girls then places me on a cushion on the floor.

Lauren comes in after us telling that she let Ally go home early because she has already finished all her work for the week.

" Okay, good it was getting kind of annoying to keep up that charm; so Ally would not see what is going on in the office. She is hardworking human and maybe one day we will let her choose if she wants to become something more" Normani states to the girls as they nod in agreement.

I sit on the pillow realizing I have not said a word at all since I got up late this morning. Maybe I should keep it that way until she thinks that I'm not  misbehaving anymore.

I'll just be a good  and be obedient to her and the girls no matter what. Because honestly this wolf puppy state I'm in is not helping me stay strong, I just want to be snuggled up in Normani's lap in front of a warm fire place.

I whimper and snuggling in the comfortable pillow not aware of my surroundings, suddenly feeling really sleepy. I think that is has something to do with the fact that I didn't have any breakfast this morning. I just let myself fall into a decent sleep, when the smell of food wakes me back up instantly.

I see Lauren, Dinah, and Normani digging into a lot of food, I go over to Normani's desk then go behind it then ask Normani if I can have some food. She looks at me surprised but rolls her chair back and lets me sit on her lap. She feeds me food until I get so stuffed I can't eat other bite and i shake my head no to the food she was about give me then I rub me stomach in contentment.

She understands and continue to eat while still having me sit on her lap. They all finish clear off the desk I am getting up from her lap but she pulls back down and start mess with my ears and tail. I feel sudden pleasure and I let out a loud moan and lay back on her not being to able to sit up anymore.

"Girls can you close up the office today since I did it yesterday, I need to take her home and I still don't trust her alone in our house yet"

"Yes of course Normani"they both says at the same time.

We get surrounded by purple smoke sudden and when it finally clears up. I find myself looking around at their house and my new home and life. Normani then drags to a unfamiliar room and throws me on a bed, oh shit I'm in Normani's bedroom; she starts playing with my ears and tail again.

New boss?(Normani/you)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu