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Your POV

I wake up in a cage with all of guards around me, so before I freak out. I scan my surroundings and see a piece of paper taped on one of the bars of the cage.

And it says " hey, y/n knowing that you are probably up before we get back to you. Don't freak out because I wanted you to be kept safe, knowing how dangerous the underworld can be. Especially since you are my mate my little pup, if you are hungry just ask the guards to get you something. I will be back from my private business soon and you behaved very well last night, so you will be rewarded soon".

Welp that was nice but I don't trust these demon looking guards to give me some food. I hate to say this but I start playing with my tail and it not as sensitive when I touch it v.s when Normani does.

The guards eye just focus on the entry ways to the room as play around in the cage. It been about thirty minutes and then I hear a noise that I have never heard before. A real laugh from Normani , my tail start to wiggle in happiness and I walk to the cage door. She walks quickly to the cage and unlocks it then dismisses the guards, I jump out of the cage into her arms.

She transports us back up to the house and I instantly feel much more comfortable already. She lets me go and I go eat something,then Normani grabs me and put me on the floor by the couch then she sits on the couch.

I let out a internal sign so she won't mad at me and punish me in some way. I thought we have gotten past the whole she is the owner and I'm just low life that saw something, I wasn't suppose to see. I think putting myself down as Normani decides on what to watch on tv and how the underworld's tv show and movies are better than the human ones.

I accidentally let out a whimper and Normani notices, immediately I brace myself to be hit. But she just picks me up and puts on the couch then she makes me snuggle up to her. She then puts a blanket on top of us and calls in the girls, we start to watch a  resident evil movie marathon.

The marathon finally ends at 11 at night, Normani and her minions loved the movies. " y/n you have really good taste in movies, I went to your house and got your movie and tv collections. I want you to feel at home here with me and the girls because this is your new home and the underworld of course" Normani says as she is taking me to her bed. She lays down as I just take off the uncomfortable uniform and put on some comfortable bed clothes as my reward. Then I get in bed and we start falling asleep,cuddling into each other like normal people for now.

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