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I wake up stiff, so I get out of the corner and stretch out my hind legs and then my front ones. Then decide that the cage is big enough to transform into my human form and that's exactly what I do. Then cover up with a blanket,I found in the cage.

Two people with masks on come into the room, I immediately start to growl at them. Even though I don't sound intimidating at all, I want to go back to my mate Normani. The tall girls laughs at me, I just glare at them but I stop because I'm just feeling so weak right now.

" aw poor baby, I'll take care of you. Takes this offering of meat to show that I will take of you for now on" I shake my head no to her.

The only reason that I know they are woman is because of their eyes and because the lights are actually on in the room now. The masked girl rips her mask off in anger and I see that it is Ally of all the people or creatures I thought would be behind the mask I would not expect Ally.

"Selena just go ahead and take your mask off now since has seen me, might as well see you" Ally commands.

"Yes boss" Selena says as she rips her masks off with out any hesitation.

At this point I feel so betrayed right now, I can't stop the tears from leaving my eyes. Ally comes over to me with flames in her eyes and kisses me on top of my head. She tries to comfort me but I quickly back from her shake my head.

" I'm the devil daughter,which I would like to thank you for killing him. My sweet girl and I just had to rescue you from both creators, when heard that Normani was your mate. You have no idea how jealous I became hearing that news, but then I word got around that she wasn't treating you right either" Ally explains to as she comes in the cage and corners me.

Then she force me to eat all of meat has brought me, soon after I feel weird and that just means she just drugged. I turn back into my wolf pup form, forcefully by Ally.

" when you wake up from this nap you are about to take for your long journey. You will be in the underworld with Selena and I ,where you belong" she says to me as my eyelids can no longer stay open and go to sleep.

A/n: so ,what do think about this chapter?

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