Chapter 12

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Have you ever felt like you are the most idiotic people of the world. I was feeling exactly like that. I can't believe myself I was that oblivious.

And not only did I made a fool of myself but also risked our friendship.

I clearly fucked up.

I was getting frustrated about what should I do now so I decide to ask Chloe.


"So I told him that I think they would make a great pair. Then he got angry and told me......"

"Told you what?"

"Told me he likes me."

"I knew it. Anyone can say that by the way he looks at you.

"Then why didn't you tell me?"

"I told you this is something you need to figure out on your own."

"I guess you are right. But what do I do now?"

"There is only one way. That is apologize to him and tell him you feel the same about him.

"But what about Christina?"

"Christina will understand, Violet. No one can control whom he or she will like. It just happens."


"Follow your heart ,Violet. Bye."

Then she hung up. And I decided to text Corbyn.

I am sorry. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings.
Sent Thursday,6:45

He didn't even read my text. So I decided to text again.

Please don't ignore me. I am really sorry.
Sent Thurday,7:57

I am soooooo soooooorrrrryyyy.
Sent Thursday, 9:24

Please reply
Sent Thursday, 10:30

I don't  want to ruin our friendship. Please reply.
Sent Thursday, 11:05

I am sorry :(
Sent Thursday, 11:50

* * *

The next day I went to school looking like a total mess. I didn't get enough sleep so my mood was pretty bad as well.

"You look horrible." Chloe said once I met her.

"I know." I said tiredly.

"Did you said anything to him?" Chloe asked me.

"I did but he never replied." I replied sadly.

"Guess then you have to wait until he wants to talk with you." She said.

"Yeah." Then we walked to our first class.

* * *

Break time was almost over but I walked out of the cafeteria before bell rang not feeling so well and decided to go to my next class early.

I turned the corner and saw Corbyn talking with Christina. Christina looked sad. Corbyn said something and Christina nodded then started walking to the opposite direction.

I don't know why but I didn't move at all, just stood there. At first , Corbyn didn't noticed me but then he moved his head towards my direction. And he seemed surprised like he didn't expect to see me. Then he averted his eyes completely avoiding my presence and started walking towards the cafeteria.

"Corbyn, wait." I said but he didn't stop, continued walking towards the cafeteria.

"Corbyn, please listen to me." I begged and this time he stopped then turned around.

"What?" He asked.

"Look, I am really sorry about what happened yesterday. I didn't mean to h-" I started to explain but he cut me off.

"I don't want to talk about it."

"Look, Corbyn, I really am sorry. Please don't ignore me." I pleaded to him.

"I am not ignoring you. Its will not understand." He said to me.

After some seconds of silence, he spoke again,"I will text you when I want to talk,okay." I nodded then he walked away.

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