Chapter 2

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Pathway after pathway. Tunnel after tunnel. Door after door. Rinse and repeat. Crane had gone through this process for a good hour, and it had quickly become annoyingly repetitive. Somehow he couldn't find his way back to the dam. Every time he thought that the entrance would be behind a door, all he found was a dead end.

Tunnels had mostly been empty, with the occasional Biter or Viral shambling about. They were easily taken care of with his new claws.

And the pathways would spread out into many ways. There were many forks in the pathways, and this just made things even worse. Crane had lost his patience long before, and now he couldn't even handle it anymore. He felt like he was stuck in some sort of purgatory, where he was subjected to an endless time of running around in the sewers and tunnels of the Quarantine.

Kyle had grown tired, physically and mentally. His legs were now too worn out, his feet aching from the constant use. Stumbling along, using the wall for support, the man tried to press forward. He pushed on, just a little longer, before he finally fell to the floor, his body making a soft thud against the cold concrete floor.

He stayed quiet, hearing his breath in the absolute stillness of the sewers. At times, he thought he could hear a scream of terror, but perhaps it had been in his head.

Crane began looking around again, still not trying to get up from the floor. And that's when something caught his eye.

A long, thin vial, brightly burning with the color of a lustrous sapphire. He crawled towards the object, and grabbed it. He inspected it, finally confirming that it was one of the three vials he took from the Mother.

Pocketing it away, Crane had realized that perhaps he was finally going in the right way. If he had dropped this vial here, then the dam wasn't too far off.

Kyle had finally mustered up enough energy to lift himself off the ground, able to walk on the pathway out of this hell.

At a snail's pace, Crane went on. He went through more doors, a few more tunnels, and still walking on a long path. However, he felt something change in the scenery. The tunnels and diffusion of pathways had finally stopped. He shoved a door open, pushing with the rest of his force, and made a crack big enough for him to squeeze through.

He kept on going, finally arriving inside the dam. He looked around, finding the bodies of the Mother's acolytes still in their resting places, along with the few thugs that tried to attack this place.

And Kyle finally arrived in the room. The place where the Mother had spoken to him, showed her true colors, and proposed an idea so horrible, it caused her very demise. Unfortunately, it also caused him to turn into... this thing! This ghastly, terrifying creature!

He let his mind touch this subject again, and what he wasn't expecting was to create a visual illusion like how the Mother did to show her own personal story.

Figures consisting of blue began phasing into form, right where Crane had finally discovered the Mother's secret.

He saw as his avatar fell to the floor in fear, and both avatars were discussing.

Crane had finally been able to see this entire scene through a new perspective, and it somewhat mesmerized him. At times, it even sounded like there were a couple words being spoken through the avatars.

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