Chapter 23

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Crane kept a steady pace while wading through the sewers. His light jogging allowed him to not get tired quickly, and also allowed him to analyze his whereabouts with a bit more ease. Once in a while, he had gone into different rooms, checking any crates or toolboxes in case a passing survivor had left anything. With this, he had gotten hold of a few boxes of nails, some string, some duct tape, and even a couple weapons

He knew he was getting closer to the Slums entrance of the sewers. The system of tunnels had already been engraved into his head. Though he didn't know all of the sewer system, he memorized the way to and from the Slums and Old Town like the back of his hand. With this, his mind told him he was about to arrive. He felt a bit of relief as he thought about arriving back, sleeping in his bed, and apologizing to that poor girl.

As he slowed down, letting his legs rest a bit, he failed to notice a small tangle of thugs stomping their way into the sewer system. Crane was too into his thoughts that he failed to see them arriving into the area he was in. And it wasn't until he heard shouts and felt a few bullets skim right by him that he snapped to attention, grabbing one of his guns and running back the way he came from.

"Fuck." He exclaimed. "How the hell do I get through them?"

He tried to think of a way, any way at all. He didn't want to take any longer to arrive. Both parts of the city were relying on his word and his actions. He needed to get back soon.

Crane could hear the footsteps of the thugs as they continued to yell. Once in a while, a grenade would go off. In a haste, he ran further into the tunnels. And before he had gone out of earshot, he heard the word dynamite being mentioned.

Panic began to set in as he began to realize what they had dynamite for. He hastily sneaked back, trying to hear in on what they were saying.

"Plant the dynamite. All of it! Set the timers, now!"

He heard the footsteps rapidly echoing into silence, his heart caught in his throat.

He began to sprint away from the area where the dynamite was. He could hear the distant beeping from the planted mechanism used to count the time before detonation.

"Fuck!" He breathed heavily. "Fuck. Fuck. FUCK!"

Rapidly, he went through the sewers, through rooms and through countless infected. Eventually, he began to arrive back at Old Town. Safety seemed so close... but it would only turn out to be a stall.

Crane arrived, breathing heavily as he squinted his eyes from the intense sunlight. He covered his eyes with his arms, enabling him to see a couple figures approaching him.

"It's him! Hurry! Plant the last one!"

His eyes widened, realizing what was going on. His hand shot towards his bag, grabbing hold of one of the blade handles sticking out. As it swiped out of the bag, the two men threw the bomb towards the sewer entrance. It rolled down the stairs, a little too late for Crane to grab it. He ran towards the two men, raising his weapon, and striking down with immense force.

Unfortunately, the man he planned to strike had blocked his attack using a weapon of his own. Kyle snarled in frustration and began to strike quick and hard. Many of his strikes had been blocked, the thug he kept attacking panting in anger.

Crane retracted his machete swiftly. He took a jump back, dodging a strike that one of the two thugs gave. He backed away slowly as he reached towards his bag again, running his hand inside to feel for the cold metal of his pistol. He kept his eyes on the two men while doing so.

When he finally found it and grabbed it, one of the thugs grabbed a grenade and threw it towards Kyle.

The man ran away, shielding himself by hiding behind a wall. He breathed in and out heavily, poking his head out a bit to find where they were. Spotting them trying to sneak towards him, he raised his pistol, before stepping out of hiding and beginning to fire at the two men. Bullets flew out from the gun, flying towards the thugs. One of the thugs yelped in pain as a bullet pierced his arm, while the other screamed in agony as it struck his shoulder shoulder blade.

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