Chapter 8

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"Where the HELL are you, Brecken?!" Lena howled into the walkie-talkie. She was flustered with anger towards her partner. Usually, she never was this hotheaded, but it was the fear of Brecken being hurt that ate away at her.

And currently, she showed her worry through the shouts she gave.

"Well? Explain!" Lena boomed aloud. This caught the attention of a few nearby, but she quickly got rid of them so she could have some more privacy.

"I'm sorry, Lena. I know I was supposed to be back by nighttime, but Crane and I had some complications." Brecken's voice spoke through the speaker.

"What kind of complications?" The medical expert asked, her interest already being reeled in.

"Uh... Kyle turned last night." Brecken hesitantly said. "But something has changed."


"Lena, Crane was able to fight back the mental infection." The man said. "And although it did overwhelm his body, it shows us something. He CAN control himself, but he somehow needs to find the strength to do so, in both mind and body."

"Oh my God... Brecken, this is... I don't even know what to say!" Lena voice came out as a mixture of astonishment and excitement. "Bring Kyle over. I want to ask him a couple things."

Brecken agreed, leaving the woman by herself for a bit. Then, he could hear the sound of distant footsteps come through the walkie.

"Brecken says you have some questions for me." Crane spoke.

"Yes, that is right." She responded.

"Ask away."

She nodded to herself and began.

"Kyle, what is it like while you're not in control?" She shot her first question. She knew not to expect an immediate answer, so she waited patiently.

"It is very unnerving." Crane said. "I'm always stuck inside a sea of darkness. I always hear things while I'm in there. My mind is currently like a prison for myself. The voices pound away at my brain, and I can't do anything, except listen to the tormenting voices."

"Wow, that sounds very horrible." Lena said, her voice laced with dread. "I'm deeply sorry for you."

"It's fine. Thank you."

"My next question: Do you still know what goes on when you're not in control?"

Again, no immediate response.

"I don't really know how to explain it too well." The man's voice came through as a low mumble. "It's like I see what happens, but as if it were a giant T.V. screen. I've witnessed things that no sane human being should ever even catch a glimpse of."

She could already hear his voice breaking and decided to stop. They did need to tackle his problem, but pushing it too far could likely make things worse.

"Crane, we'll stop right there for now." Lena said thoughtfully. "And could you perhaps get Brecken to come back? He's still needed here." Lena joked.

"Yeah, I guess you're right." Crane said. "The Tower wouldn't run as good as it is now if it weren't for him."

"You're right about that." The woman admitted, and both of them chuckled.

"Well, I will be on my way now, Kyle." Lena said. "Take care of yourself, and don't try to fight this on your own."

"I will keep that in mind." Crane said. "Thanks Lena!"

Lena sighed. She didn't know what to think about this. Just hearing about Crane turning into... That monster. It made her shiver in fear. What worried her more was the fact that he still couldn't control his infection, and both her and Brecken thought he could never do so.

He hadn't told her that he was going off for the supplies. She didn't even know he had left.

And it almost got him killed.

But Brecken had discovered something while doing this. He had helped Crane fight back the mental infection. Although not a total success, it showed that Crane could perhaps do something about this.

They would just have to wait and see what happened.


"Well, I think I am ready to go." Brecken said. "I'd better be, or Lena's gonna have me by my ass!"

That erupted a laugh from both men. A little after, they calmed down.

"I was thinking about having a talk with Lena, or maybe with the residents of the Tower."

Crane raised his eyebrow in wonder.


"First, about you turning." Brecken said. "And the second topic would be about whether we could try and let you back into The Tower."

Crane's face was hesitant. He scratched the back of his head, not really knowing what to do or say.

"What if they don't want me back in?"

"I highly doubt that, but it's better to ask them."

"Yeah, I guess you have a point."

"Don't worry, Crane." Brecken said as he started to unlock the door leading outside. "This will work out, somehow and in some way."

The man stuck his hand out so they could shake hands farewell. Crane did the same, his hand smacking against Brecken's. They gripped their hands and both men smiled, showing each other's determination.

They freed their hands and Brecken nodded to Crane one last time before heading out the door, the duffel bag bouncing lightly as he walked away.

Kyle closed the door, leaned against the door, and began thinking to himself.

"What is this going to lead to?" Crane thought. "What am I going to do?"

Not finding an actual answer to his questions, the man snapped back to reality and looked at his watch.

"8 in the morning..."

"I think I have more than enough time to grab some scattered supplies around town."

Crane went upstairs, grabbed his personal bag, checked to see if his things were inside, and headed back down. He opened the door and looked around, squinting due to the bright sun.

And he walked away from the pharmacy, going out into the city of disaster.


This was a somewhat short chapter because I didn't want to make this scene too long. What will happen in the future will be big though. ;)

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