Chapter 21 - Act 2

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City of ruins, the one that holds age
Endless crumbling, the ones that hold rage
The God of the Sun, the only one to fear
For what he does, will only cause the future to break


The moonlit drizzle lightly tapped on the Volatile's body as it raised its nose high up, sniffing carefully to pick up on any sort of prey. It's eyes squinted, claws clenching and unclenching once in a while.

And as it began to break its concentration, the lightest stench of fresh blood had been caught by its nose. The aroma immediately made its mouth water vigorously, making it grow excited and energized.

The Volatile released a very loud screech that echoed throughout Old Town's many abandoned buildings and dark crevices. It began to sprint towards the noise, the smell only acting as its driving force.

"Kill..." It grumbled darkly. It pushed on, clawing away at any obstacles preventing it from going forward. Zombie guts spilled left and right, painting the Volatile's face a grotesque red. It forcibly rammed into a horde, their bodies like a weak wall. As it did this, the walkie talkie strapped to its body had broken off, falling to the floor while the monster continued on.

After a few minutes, it finally arrived at the source of the scent. It sniffed again, finding that the smell was coming from a building.

The monster screeched loudly again, alerting any nearby Virals to come to the area. As it began to claw at the steel door, the screams of the infected began to echo and originate from all directions. The Volatile' sears were not filled with that sound though. Instead, it's ears heard the pleasing, melodic sound of light whimpers and small screams.

The creature only raised the amount of strength it was using in order to break in. Pieces of shredded metal flew about, the claw marks in the door only growing deeper with each strike. The screams of the adults, and what could also be heard as a couple of human children too, continued.

Virals ran amuck, screaming and trying to find any entrances to the building, furiously trying to get to the same prey.

And at last, the Volatile's claws pierced a couple of small, gaping holes into the door. It licked its lips furiously, already tasting the blood and meat in its mouth.



She could hear the sound of the nightmares outside. Their screeches and screams always struck at her heart, making her body quiver and sweat with sheer terror and fear.

The little girl felt her legs turn to jelly, with her heart skipping a beat at the sound of the metal door being pounded on. She began to rush to her family, despite her weak legs protesting from moving.

She could see the same expressions of fear and worry on all of their faces. Her parents held fear, but held a sort of last resort determination. Her two older brothers, scared to death and shivering wildly, had a sort of blazing passion that felt as if only the strongest of forces would only be able to put their fire out.

The screeches outside only grew more and more now, with one of them being extra loud and extra scary. Their screams only made her scream out loud. She saw the door beginning to bend inwards a bit, her throat still playing loudly.

And as she was about to scream again, her twin brother grabbed her by the shoulders and turned her to him. She saw his face, worried, yet he still held enough willpower to be able to grab her by the hand and lead her to one of the rooms. There, he instructed her to crawl down into the bottom of a bed.

Shadows of a Dying LightOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora