Chapter 4

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The buggy slammed into a horde of Biters, with a couple of Virals clinging onto the vehicle as well. Blood sprayed all over the windshield, as well as splattering onto Crane. He wiped at his face, gagging at times when the fluid got into his mouth. Although disgusting, this didn't stop the man from speeding through the fields, dirt roads, and constant hordes of infected. His only way to actually try and reach Harran again was going through the tunnel that Ezgi had taken when she fled.

The girl had made it, so perhaps he could as well.

He was constantly checking his map, trying his best to find landmarks leading to the tunnel again. He had forgotten its location, so only estimations of its spot, along with any familiar things were his only helping hands.

And to his luck, familiar territory was starting to show. Soon enough, the tunnel was finally coming into his sights.

Ecstatic about leaving, Crane turned the car's Nitro on, and like a rocket setting off, the car sped down the fields, pulverizing boxes and infected in its path. The man finally slowed down once the distance between him and the tunnel was short.

He slammed on the brakes, hopping out of the car, and began running into the entrance.

Crane began treading deeper into the tunnel, finding that everything was untouched. No Volatiles, no Biters, nothing. Everything that was here when he destroyed the nest was still in its place.

Now Kyle began getting into the section where the Volatiles resided, the place that had piles of corpses stacked high up, many touching the ceiling. He could hear the sound of distant screeches, and thought that the noises were coming from the area. However, when he heard more closely, he could hear that they came from other parts of the tunnel, most likely areas he had no access to.

Crane began heading into one of the doors, where he ran down the corridors. Doing this had brought back the horrible memory of being lost in the sewers, trying to find his way back to the Countryside.

But now, Kyle wasn't in a state of shock or guilt. He felt determined, ready to take on whatever came to him. So, he kept on running, his energy not running dry in the slightest.

And he finally went down the path leading him back home.


It hadn't taken too long before Crane could feel short gusts of wind coming out from somewhere. He was getting closer to the other entrance, the one that was near Old Town. He had stopped running a while back, not because he was tired, but because he wasn't sure whether there were any infected in this part of the tunnel.

Crane had also begun looking about, finding many bags of luggage strewn about. Here and there, a few cars still held makeshift medkits and other useful items. The man took them, not really caring who's they were.

It took a little more time, but soon enough, Kyle began seeing sunlight. He finally saw the light at the end of the tunnel, and began picking up his pace. He started with a jog, then slowly started to turn to running, and with this newfound hope, began sprinting away, jumping over the bags and springing over cars. And in no time, he was finally coming face to face with the outside world.


The sun blazed brightly, shining straight into his eyes, temporarily blinding him. His head began to hurt as his eyes adjusted to the sunlight, but the pain had subsided after a few seconds.

Crane put his hand over his eyes to block the sunlight, and he found himself in a place unfamiliar to him.

"What the hell? I thought this was supposed to take me to Old Town." Crane talked to open space, not intending for anyone to listen. He took out his walkie talkie and began to dial a number in, hopefully contacting Ezgi. After a few seconds, someone picked up.

Shadows of a Dying Lightजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें