Chapter 12

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Days had finally slowed to an endless crawl, for Crane at least. Brecken was always busy with doing things for the Tower, Lena had been occupied as well due to taking care of sick bay patients, and nobody ever really talked to him. He had already felt this loneliness inside his mind, where his own thoughts lashed out at him in an atrocious method.

And now, he was finally assigned a small mission. A little kid had apparently lost his action figure while playing on the rooftop. It fell off the building and could have landed anywhere. Finally having a chance to kill some time, Crane agreed to search around for the toy.

Here he was now, carefully looking around for any signs of the action figure. And just as he felt his patience starting to wear thin, he spotted something near some trash; a red cape. As Crane closed the distance from the object, he could see the sunlight glinting off the plastic of the toy. He picked it up, and began heading back to the Tower's entrance, when his hearing picked up a foreign sound. He listened more closely, and it began to sound like someone talking into a walkie-talkie.

Beginning to suspect, Crane began searching around the entire premises, trying to find the source of the noise. And there, on the street next to the Tower, stood a thug, his sights directed at the building. Needing to find out more, Kyle began sneaking towards the thug, trying his best to blend in with his surroundings. And thankfully for Crane, a Biter had grabbed the thug's attention, making him turn around for a short time.

Crane took advantage and began running, hiding behind a van. And when the thug finally killed the Biter, he began talking again.

"Do you really think we could pull this off. I mean, what if Brecken sends a few runners out on a night run?"

"Highly unlikely. I don't think he does night runs anymore, ever since he lost the last of his previous runners on His night run."

"Good. At least we can finally get rid of these Tower fuckers."

"Yeah, the Tower trash residents will finally become a literal pile of trash and rubble!"

And for a few seconds, silence rang out. Crane was about to surprise attack the man and interrogate him, but he began talking again.

"Do you think we have enough explosives to take down the entire building?"

"They were able to take down that Volatile nest using the same explosives. I think they'll do the trick."

"Yeah, you're right. Let's just hope we can do this job without any problems arising."

And that about did it for Crane.

In no time, Kyle began running out of his hiding spot and jumped into the air, landing right behind the man. The thug flinched violently and spun around rapidly, his face turning white at the sight in front of him. He began turning around to run away, when Crane gripped the man's shoulders and shoved him hard onto the floor. In desperate fear, the thug started to crawl away, not wanting to become a victim of the monster.

Crane planted a foot on the thug's chest and the man under him began to sob fearfully. Now, the interrogation began.

"What the fuck do you mean by taking down the Tower?" Snarled Crane, his face contorting into a ghastly mask of horror. Despite the fear the thug held, he also showed astonishment.

"Holy shit... it actually talks." The man whispered to himself.

"I-I don't know what you're talking about."

"God dammit, answer me, you fucker!"

The man began to cry even more, but was able to hiccup some words.

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