Chapter 19

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Hunter sat at his desk, his head between his arms. He had already stopped crying, but the anger and sadness stuck by him. He was trying to come up with a plan, something that could potentially help bring down the Tower.

"I know now that bringing down that entire building won't work..." Hunter whispered to himself. He stayed quiet for a few seconds.

"If I can't bring it down from the outside..." He thought to himself. "Then the only way I can bring the entire thing down is by attacking its inner workings..." And it finally clicked inside of Hunter's head.

"That's it!" Hunter said aloud, a wide grin on his face. "I don't know why I didn't think about this from the start! All I have to do is get rid of the people living there instead."

"I can start from the top, taking out their strongest, most active members first. Then I can slowly progress down the statuses of each person."

Hunter got up from his seat and headed to a nearby window. From there, he could see a few of his men lolligagging around the court area. Included in the group was Berk, still a bit under the weather, but participating nonetheless. He smiled lightly, then faced away from the window.

"Perhaps I should start off with those runners." Hunter announced to thin air. "That means the Tower won't have access to anymore supplies."

He closed his eyes and began to chuckle ominously. The leader clapped his hands together, before putting them to his sides and clenching them into fists. He opened his eyes again and grinned devilishly.

Hunter walked towards the door, letting out a light "hmph", before walking out.


Berk sat inside one of the vans that the thugs used. He solemnly watched from a short distance as many of the them were gathered around two men who were arm wrestling. It was a pretty good match, he had to admit to that. Both men were evenly as strong, and it looked as if it wasn't going to end soon.

He sighed before saying something to himself. "I wish Serkan could see this."

"Ditto." A voice said, before the person showed themselves. "It sucks that he passed."

"Oh, hey Yavuz." Berk greeted the man. "Yeah, it doesn't feel the same without him here. He was a bit of an ass at times, but that man was like a brother to me."

Yavuz nodded in agreement.

"Mind if I sit here?" He said, pointing at the empty space next to Berk. The other man nodded and quickly patted the space. Yavuz sat down, before beginning to talk again.

"Yeah, Serkan and I didn't really bond that much." Yavuz said. "With Hunter not usually having all four henchmen interact with each other very often, I didn't really get to know the man too well. But, from what it seems, he was a really good man, and truly cared about you."

Berk gave a small smile. "Yeah, he was always the one putting himself into harm's way. Hell, there was this one time where a ragtag group of Toads ambushed our group. They kept spitting at us, yet Serkan was either brave, or stupid enough to actually put himself in front so that he would get hit by all that gunk. It pissed me off, and he did get sick from all that afterwards, but he got better... eventually."

Yavuz chuckled at the short retelling of the encounter. "Well, at least he's somewhere better now. Somewhere where these monsters can't get to him anymore."

"Yeah, I guess you're right." Berk said. "I just wish we had actually stopped to fully kill Crane at that point. Who knows, maybe Serkan could have actually lived."

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