Chapter 14

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Crane re-counted the amount of ammo he had for his police rifle, pump shotgun, and the pistol that once belonged to his dreaded enemy; Rais. After having a short meeting with Brecken and a few other runners, the plan was to just wait until the thugs began to appear. They initially wouldn't attack since Hunter's planned seemed to be one meant for laying low, but that would be changed very soon. The band of thugs would be ambushed, forced to push away the bomb planting plan in order to fight away enemy forces.

And now, the scenario played in Crane's mind, but he saw mistakes being made, good people being killed. It slightly scared him that anything could happen to any of them, from him, to Brecken, even to the runners that were okay with joining the plan. He didn't want anymore of the Tower people dying, but Kyle knew that they needed to do this, for the sake of them all.

He finally stopped counting the ammo and stuffed it back into his bag. He also grabbed his pistol, shoving it in his pocket. Kyle grabbed his rifle and shotgun, taking them down to the 1st floor for a couple others to use.

Crane began to head out of his room, when he remembered about his UV Flashlight, the one thing that could potentially keep him in a sane state. He put that in his bag too, keeping it at the very top for quick access.

Now, Kyle began striding over to the elevator, firearms in hand, and the willpower to defeat his enemy coursing through his veins.


The scouts were discussing their location of their positions when Crane finally arrived. He set the rifle and shotgun on the floor, listening in on the ragtag group.

"So, I hide near the front entrance staircase right?" One man said. The others nodded, and another man continued. "And I blend in with the trash bags we brought in."

Kyle interrupted their chatting to ask a question.

"Do any of you know where Brecken is?"

"He should be in Alfie's usual spot. From what I've seen, he's just prepping his weapons for the attack." One of the runners explained.

"Ok thanks."

Kyle began walking to the room that Brecken was supposedly in, but as he walked away, he heard a few crude remarks coming from the other runners.

"How the hell are we going to do this with him tagging along?"

"I don't know, but I'm worried that he's just going to end up killing us instead."

"Exactly! Why does Brecken think that Crane will keep himself together? He's still a monster, even if he's half sane."

Crane felt himself grow frustrated, yet also felt guilt and shame. He was still being judge for what he became, despite the fact that he was in his right mind. It angered him to know that people still felt that way, but the shame of being pushed away and being treated like a creature was butting in as well.

"Pulling my ass around for assholes like them..." Kyle cursed under his breath. "Whatever, they'll change their tune soon enough. Fucking hypocrisy at its finest!"

Crane had continued walking to Brecken's location, opening the room's door to find the man staring out the window, his fists on his waist.

"Hey Brecken." Kyle said. "What are you doing?"

The leader glanced back and turned his sights back to the window. He chuckled a bit and answered the runner's question.

"Nothing much, bud. Just thinking." Brecken stated. "Anything you need?"

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