A Life in Shambles

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Your POV

I curl up on the ground, taking the relentless beating that my so called "boyfriend" gave me. His foot jabbed into my side, making me cry out in pain. Blood flowed to the surface of my skin, casting a dark blue and brown shade over my body. I whimper, curling up smaller. After a long hour, he leaves, stomping out of the apartment. I heard his car peel out of the parking lot, obviously on his way to the bar. I stay on the floor for a few more minutes before pushing myself up slowly. I wince and whimper as I slowly stand. I wobble over to the bathroom, looking into the mirror. My body is covered in bruises, cuts, scars, and burns. I frown at my body before quickly washing my hands. I grab my sweater, covering my scarred arms. Pulling my purse onto my shoulder, I rush out the door, running to a little cafe nearby. One of my high school "friends" insisted on meeting up to catch up. I hurried inside, ordering a coffee. Sitting down in a booth, I lean forward, resting my forehead on my forearms, trying to move my focus from the pain racking my body.

After waiting over an hour for the old friend to show up, I resolve that she decided to bail. I begin to stand, my sore body fighting against me. I slowly pull myself out of the booth only to collapse on the floor. I cry out in pain as I land on my bruised hip and side. Tears form in my eyes as I try to stand again, only to fall again. I begin to sob on the floor of the cafe, trying to forget about what Evan, my "boyfriend", will do to me if I'm not home before he is. I keep trying to stand falling harder and harder each, until I just collapse, realizing I can't stand.

I scream and push away when I feel someone kneel down next to me and place a hand on my shoulder. I whip my head up to stare into the eyes of a kind looking man in a black and green jacket. His blue eyes are opened wide in worriement, his green hair faded slightly and mussed. He quickly pulls his hand away when I push away, but remains at my side.

"Ma'am, are you ok?"

I nod fiercely, knowing if he tries to help, he will just leave.

His eyebrows knit together in uncertainty, a wave of emotions crashing through his eyes.

"Are you sure? You don't look ok. Why are you crying?"

My walls crumble. Words start to flow out of my mouth, telling the kind man my fears of how Evan is going to beat me, how he has hurt me, and how I don't want to go home but he will kill me if I don't. The man's face changes as we talk from worry to concern to fury. He stands, offering me a hand. I hesitantly take it, using him as leverage to slowly pull myself to my feet. My young, 23 year old body creaks as I stand, soreness and pain rushing back through. I wince as the man guides me on my first step, my hand in his with his other on the small of my back. I tense at the contact but know that without it I would fall.

"I'm Sean, but my friends call me Jack. What's your name?"

" Y... Y/n"

"That's a very beautiful name. Where's you apartment. I can drive you home so we can deal with Evan."

I pale as he mentions Evan, freezing in my place. I start to breathe heavily, shaking my head. I push his arms off, trying to step back quickly, only to stumble and fall, my knee impacting the sidewalk painfully. I yelp, holding my leg in pain. Jack rushes back over to me, but I scramble away.

"No, no stay away from me! Your just going to take me back to him! I don't want to go back."

Jack kneels next to me, grabbing my shoulders gently.

"Y/n, no. I'm going to call the police on him. He's going to go to jail. I'm not taking you back to him. If you want we can go to my house instead and I can call the cops from there, but I promise on my life that I am not taking you back to him."

I slowly calm, them nod. I take his hand again, trying to stand. My injured knee gives out, flattening me to the pavement yet again. I look up at Jack worried. He smiles at me the scoops me into his arms.

My whole body tenses.

Jack notices and looks at me.

"It's ok. My car is right over there. I'm going to drive you to my house and you are going to get chicken noodle soup and coffee along with a soft bed and a new home, alright?"

I relax. I don't know why, but I trust Jack. I watch as he walks me to his car, gingerly placing me in the passenger seat. I quickly thank him once he is in the drivers side. He smiles at me before driving off. I stare out the window as he drives through the streets of Brighton, lights flashing as we pass. We drove for a few minutes before pulling up to a smallish house on a beautiful street. He quickly turns off the car, running to my side. I open the door and he scoops me into his arms again. He runs to the door, pushing it open. Setting me in the guest bedroom, he grabs his phone and pulls it out, pacing around the room. After a short moment, he begins to talk.  About Evan and what he did to me. At one point he turns to me and asks my apartment number. I give it to him, the call ending soon after. He crouches in front of me.

"The police are on their way to your apartment and the bar. They will arrest him and he will go to jail for a long time, ok? You're safe now. I'm going to go grab some things from the kitchen really quick, I'll be right back. Make yourself confortable. You're home now."

I nod and push myself back into the bed. I curl up small, facing the door. I watch Jack rush out of the room. I glance around the room quickly, taking in the black and white, modern room. Small shelves adorn the walls, a bookshelf filled with books in the corner. My eyes come to rest on a large green eyeball plushie sitting at the end of the bed. My eyebrows knit as I sit up and grab it. I see a little optic nerve coming out the back. I smile slightly and hug it to my chest. My eyes go to the door and Jack walks back into the room with a bowl in hand. In his other is a stack of clothes. He sets the clothes at the end of the bed and clinks the bowl down onto the side table. I push myself up into a sitting position, the green eyeball still in my lap. Jack glances at it as he hands me the soup.

"I see you have found Septiceye Sam."

I frown at Jack confusedly.

He chuckles slightly.

"Sam is my mascot. I'm a youtuber, Jacksepticeye. I make gaming videos for a living."

I nod, turning my attention to the soup as Jack sits at the other end of the bed. I gobble it down, it being my first meal in two days. Explains my stick like figure.

Halfway through, Jack and I hear a knock at the door.

The Guy in the Green Jacket (jacksepticeye x reader)Where stories live. Discover now