New Life

846 22 10

Jack stood to answer the door, at least until I yelled.

"Wait for me!"

He turned back around, his face laced with concern.

"Y/n, i don't think it will be smart for you to come talk to the cops right now. You just need to rest.  Finish your soup and then please take a nap. I want you safe."

I blush, but oblige. As I finish the soup, I hear an indistinxt conversation occurring at the front door. Soon, I grab the Sam, hugging it tight to my chest and crawling under the covers. I slowly drop off to sleep, feeling safe for the first time in months.


I wake up in my bed, Evan asleep and naked next to me. I try not to throw up thinking about what he made me do last night. I look at the alarm clock, seeing it's about to go off in 2 minutes. My eyes widen and I rush out of bed, trying to prepare Evan's breakfast. I get to the kitchen, quickly pulling out a box of cereal and some milk. I rush to put it in a bowl only to drop the milk and have it explode all over the floor. I stand stunned as Evan's alarm goes off and he stomps into the room. His eyes are filled with fury when he sees me, coated in milk and with it breakfast for him. He runs over, his fist raised. He strikes me to the ground before throwing me over his shoulder. He rushes back to the bedroom, throwing me on the bed. He cracks a whip over my head before whipping my back. I scream out in pain, beginning to sob. Long gashes appear on my back as he whips.

Welcome to my daily life.

I try and crawl away as he pulls his boxers down. He rips my panties off, roughly thrusting into me. I sob as he pounds my pussy, raping me


I wake up to Jack shaking my shoulders, yelling my name. Tears are running down my face as I scramble away from him sobbing. I fall off the edge of the bed, crawling to the corner and pulling my knees to my chest. Jack try's to round the bed to come to me but I scream at him to go away. He freezes holding his hands out.

"Y/n shhhhhh it's ok. I'm not going to hurt you. Shhhhh I'm just trying to see if you're ok. You were screaming in your sleep."

My fast breath slows slightly as I realize it was Jack and not Evan. I collapse further into the floor, sobs racking my body. I blurrily see jack rush over to me, speaking to me. He tries to touch my shoulder but I flinch away. He pulls his hand away quickly before trying again. His hand rests on my shoulder gently. The contact makes me break down even more and I tackle him, hugging him. I cry into his chest as his arms wrap around me and he rubs my back softly. We sit there on the floor, me crying and him comforting me, for what seems like hours until he leans down and whispers into my ear.

"Hey, lets go get you some more food, ok?"

I pull away and nod, grabbing my Sam. Jack scoops me back into his arms. I tense, my reflexes beginning to kick in until i force them back, awkwardly sitting in his arms. He walks me out of the guest bedroom, taking me to the living room. He gently sets me on the sofa, rushing into what I can only assume is the kitchen. I stare at the wall, salty tears trickling down my cheeks as I relive the dream.

If only it were fake.

I hear my name being said, as if through water. I shake my head, trying to clear my thoughts. I turn my head and return to reality as I see Jack sitting next to me, a plate with two sandwiches on it in his hand. He smiles at me, sitting down softly next to me. He hands me the plate, gesturing for me to eat it. As I begin to eat, I see him typing onto his phone quickly.

"What are you writing?" I ask.

"Hmm?" He glances up at me. "Oh I'm telling my subscribers I'm taking a break for a month. I can't work and take care of you well enough at the same time."

I pale. "No! Don't... don't do that for me... I'm not worth it. I'll just... find somewhere to stay."

Jack looks back up, setting his phone down.

"Y/n, your badly hurt and have just gotten out of an abusive relationship. I want you to stay with me so I can take care of you."

I hang my head.

"Jack, I deserve what Evan has done to me. He's treats me like what I am. Trash, a bitch. Honestly I should just go back to him."

"No! I'm not going let you do that! You're not trash or a bitch! You are a beautiful young woman who has been through hell. I want you to be better. I want to be there for you. So please stay! Let me take care of you."

I look up to see he had tears in his eyes. I'm shocked. After a long moment I slowly nod my head. He smiles then goes back to typing on his phone. I finish my sandwich and place the plate into Jacks open hands. He smiles and walks back to the kitchen

I'm scared. But i feel safe.

The Guy in the Green Jacket (jacksepticeye x reader)Where stories live. Discover now