Heal Together

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Your POV-

I woke up to the groaning and whimpering of Jack as he slept. He tossed and turned, his bad shoulder sometimes causing him to yell in his sleep. I panicked and quickly tried to shake him awake.

"Jack, jack wake up! Your going to hurt your shoulder! Wake up!" He jolts awake with a small scream and fear ridden eyes. After he quickly sit up, his eyes close and he groans, lifting his good hand to his shoulder. He winces and whimpers as his palm pressed against the wound gently. Hurrying to remove his hand from his shoulder, I start to remove the bandage again. After the white cloth has been removed, I see the swollen and reddened skin and wound underneath.i take in a sharp breath as I gently press on a small part of it. Jack yelps quietly and pulls away.

"Sorry! I'm sorry, Jack. Hold on, let me put the cream on it. This is going to hurt a little." I say as I begin to rub the cream around the wound. He bites his lip and squeezes his eyes shut as he holds back his groans. "Sorry..." I whisper. As I finish rubbing the cream into his wound, I see him watching me. I give him a quizzical look as I apply the bandage and secure it in place. Right as I begin to pull away from him, he wraps his good hand around the back of my neck and pulls me forward. I squeak in surprise right before his lips meet mine, and I melt into him as he kisses me sweetly. Our lips move in sync, and i entangle my hand in his bright faded green hair. After a moment, I pull away for air.

"What was that about?" I ask breathily.

"Just reminding you how perfect you are. You're so beautiful." He says, staring up at me from the bed. I blush deeply and look away to hide my reddened face. Jack chuckles and stands. Me being 5'2', I fit easily underneath his good arm. I walk down the stairs with him.

"Morning, lovebirds." Marks deep voice rings out. I jump slightly as the sudden noise, causing jack to snort. I look up at him with a dissaprooving look and frown. He tries to shrug, but as he lifts his left shoulder, he winces. I flick his hand lightly, warning him off using his shoulder. I hear Mark chuckle, drawing my attention to the four men that sit on the couch. Ethan, Marzia, Felix, and Tyler are all intently focused on the tv screen, playing Mario kart. I smile at them, but pull Jack into the kitchen.

"Jack, you've got to stop using your shoulder! I don't want you to rip those stitches!" I whisper-yell. He sighs and hangs his head.

"Sorry, I'm just not used to it. I'll try not to use it." He glances back up, blue eyes bright and shining. "But are you ok? This has to have been really stressful for you." He says softly. I pale and begin to stutter.

Then I breakdown.

"No, I'm not ok. Just seeing him again was torture... and you got hurt and could have died. Seeing him again made all the nights he raped me come back all at once. I barely slept last night because I had so many memories running through my head. And with everyone else leaving for America soon, we have to make sure they get to places. I'm so sorry. I... I flinched when... when you touched me this morning... I'm sorry..."

Jack's pov-

Y/n has slid down to her knees in front of me, bawling and confessing how stressed she is. I kneel down and lift her into my arms shakily, feeling her flinch slightly. I sit on the counter in just hold her in my lap.

"I'm sorry I worried you and I'm sorry you had to see him again. Don't worry about getting the there to the airport. We are going to go with them back to America, ok?" She jolts in my arms, staring up at me.

"Wh... what?"

"We need to go with them to America. You need to get away from all of this. From Evan and from your past. So we are going to America, ok? We will stay at Marks house and we're going to relax and take a break."

Her eyes still wide, she opens her mouth before deciding against it and just nodding. She tucks her head back against my right shoulder, sniffling.

And we stay there for half an hour.


The Guy in the Green Jacket (jacksepticeye x reader)Where stories live. Discover now