You Saved Me, Now I Save YOU

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Your POV-

"Jack, I'm scared. What if you get hurt? What if he kills you?" I whisper to him as he guides me back to the lounge.

"Y/n, I'm scared too, ok? But I'd rather I get hurt that he laying another hand on you. I'm not going to let him touch you ever again. I promised, and I'm gonna keep that promise." he insists, stopping me outside the door to the lounge. "I said he was never going to touch you, and he's not going to." I nod, knowing he's telling the truth and that he isn't going to give in. His lips meet mine, assuring me he is going to safe. But I'm still not quite sure.

-Time Skip

Me, Mark, Ethan, Tyler, Felix, and Marzia sit anxiously inside the back of a large van, the detective speaking into an earpiece.

"Alright, Jack, whenever you see Sanders, say the code word. We will turn on our eyes and will wait for your call. I will advise you on when to make the call."

I shiver, thinking about Jack being near Evan. Marzia is comforting me as I rock back and forth on the floor of the van, trying to not think about the dream I had two nights ago. Every time my eyes close, the image of the large hole appearing in Jack's skull flashes through my mind.

"Hello, Mr. Sanders." I hear Jack's voice say.

"Give me eyes, officer Granose." The detective says. I shoot off the floor and move next to Officer Granose, looking through the camera within the warehouse. I see Jack's bright green floof of hair appear in the bottom corner, approaching a small metal table in the middle of the screen. Evan sits on one side of it, tapping his fingers.

"Where is the bitch?" I wince as his voice rings out loudly through the camera.

"She has pneumonia. I had to put her in the hospital." Jack answers smoothly. "What do you want, Evan?" He says as he sits in a chair across from Evan.

"I want you dead. You stole my punching bag. I want it back."

"No. I would rather see pigs fly."

"Fine then. Say goodbye."

"GO IN. He signaled! GO GO GO!" Yelled the detective. I watched out the window as vested men rush into the building. Shifting my attention back to the screen, I see the men rushing at Evan. He attempts to pull out a pistol from his belt to shoot Jack. He missed.


I scream as I watch the bullet rip through Jack's shoulder. He falls to the ground, blood running down his arm to the floor. Evan is forced to the ground and knocked out, then carried out to a separate van. Paramedics hurry Jack's bleeding form out to an ambulance, spurring me into motion. I push open the van door and run to the ambulance.


"Ma'am, I'm going to ask you to stay back."

"NO! THAT'S MY BOYFRIEND! LET ME THROUGH! JACK!" I see the ambulance door close right as Jack lifts his head to see me. Paramedics are applying pressure to the wound and cauterizing the open vessels. I collapse to the ground and scream, pushing my hands to my head. Sound fades, and all there is is the ringing in my head. The world blurs and begins to spin, and I focus on the moving red blur that has settled in front of me. I hear a deep voice cut through the ringing and the world comes back into focus. Mark and Ethan are crouched in front of me with Marzia and the others standing worriedly behind them.

"Y/n, we need to go. We're going to the hospital. Jacks going to be fine, we just need to meet him there."

Absentmindedly, I take Marzia's outstretched hand and follow her to the car. She positions me in the backseat, then lets the others scramble into the car. Mark peels out, driving at top speed to the hospital.

Marzia dragged me out of the car and pulled me inside.

"We're here for Sean Mcgloughlin. Can we see him?" Tyler asks.

"I'm sorry, but it will be a couple more hours. He is currently in surgery getting his bullet wound stitched up."

"Alright, we'll wait."

A couple hours later, a nurse came out of the hall.

"Visitors for Sean Mcgloughlin? I can accept two for now." I immediately stood along with Mark.

"Thats us!" Mark said.

"If you would follow me."

Seconds later, the nurse had led us to room 227, gently pushing the door open.

"Mr. Mcgloughlin? You have a couple visitors." she steps aside to revel a shirtless and bandaged irishman sitting on the side of the hospital bed. He smiles at me weakly.

"Hey, Angel."

I walk forward quickly, stopping in front of him to inspect his shoulder. I then gently throw my arms around his chest. He chuckles.

"I thought you were going to die." I whisper. He lifts his good right arm and strokes my hair.

"I'm fine, Angel. It's not bad, ok? I just have to be careful with it for a while." I nod into his shoulder and let go of him. I keep my hand firmly in his, reaffirming his existence to me.

He's alive. At least he's alive.

The Guy in the Green Jacket (jacksepticeye x reader)Where stories live. Discover now