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Y/n's POV-

I wake to a light tickle down my spine, and a tender breath hitting my ear. Jack's bare chest is cold underneath my hands and cheek, his lungs filling and emptying steadily. Inhaling deeply, I lift my head and stare up into Jack's face as he stares up at the ceiling. His fingers gently pull at the ends of my hair.

"Morning, you leprechaun." I mumble. Jack inhales as he lifts his head and looks down at me, smiling lightly.

"Morning, angel." He says tiredly. I smile up at him, then push myself off of him. Rolling off of him, I leave my head on his shoulder, sighing deeply.

"Do we have to get up?" I mumble. Jack hums.

"I'm sorry, but yes. We need to go buy you some clothes and stuff while we are here." He says solemnly. I groan, but push myself up to my feet. Jack slowly follows, wincing as he tries to use his right hand for support. I frown at him disapprovingly, but just pull out one of Jack's long sleeved T-shirt's and pull it on. I struggle into a pair of skinny jeans then slip into some converse. Jack has donned a blue T-shirt, Black skinny jeans, and a pair of bright green high tops. I toss him his sling, and he groans in dissapointment, but carefully maneuvers his arm into it. Lastly, I skip my phone into my back pocket, then wrap my arms around Jacks good arm.

"Did you already call an Uber?" I say.

"Yeah, lets go say bye to Mark first though." I nod and follow him down the stairs. We pop our heads into Marks recording room.

"Mark, me and y/n are going to go get her some clothes and things. We will be back later." Jack says.

"Ok, see you later, Irish dick."

"Bye, markimoo." I giggle at the nicknames, quickly covering it with a cough. Jack looks at me peculiarly but just brushes it off.

"Where first? Mall?"

"Yeah, sure. Let's just hope there aren't a lot of people." I reply. Big crowds make me claustrophobic, and I don't really want to have a panic attack in another big crowd.

Time skip-

"Jack... can we... can we take this slow?" I whisper to him as I stare into the mall. Although not crowded, still, a large amount of people milk around.

"We will go as slow as you need, ok? Take your time. Take your time." He whispers back. He pulls his hat lower over his face in an attempt to keep people from recognizing him.

Of course it doesn't work.

"Omg, are you jacksepticeye?!" Someone screams as we head towards forever 21. The girls scream causes me to flinch roughly, and I hide behind Jack as quickly as I can.

"Excuse me ladies, I'm not giving out pictures today. I do not have time for selfies, i here to get clothes." Jack responds smoothly.

"Who is the bitch behind you?" Some bleach blonde yells.

Jack is infuriated.

"Excuse me, this beautiful woman is my girlfriend, and I would rather you not call her a birch. She's already been through enough." After he finishes talking, he spins around and kneels down next to me.

"Come on, we need to move, ok?" I nod and stand, hiding behind Jack as much as I can.

But someone kicks my knee out.

Yelping loudly, I fall to the ground, and flashes of my beating from Evan jerk across my vision. I curl up in a tight ball, hyperventilating.

"Ha, just what the bitch deserves. She should learn to stay away from my Jack." The bleached blonde yells. She stands in triumph over me, fully taking credit for my fall.

"Get away from her. Now." Jack growls deeply. He pulls his arm out of the sling and lifts my petite frame to his chest. "Do not touch her. She is not a fucking bitch. And if you decide to disrespect my wishes of how you treat my girlfriend, I'm going to call the cops. You touch her again, and you will go to jail along with her abusive ex boyfriend." The blondes eyes wide and she stumbles back.

"She... She was abused... oh I'm so sorry I didn't know." She screeches.

"Oh, and if she hadn't been abused, that would have been ok?" Jack questions roughly. "Get out of my community. I don't want people who hurt others in my community." The blonde stumbles away, the crowd breaking from around us. Jack immediately runs to a bench and sets me down.

"You ok? Is your knee hurt?" He whispers worriedly. He runs his hands over my shoulders. I stretch out, my eyes still wide.

"Y... yeah... I... I'm fine... j... just sc... sc... scared." I stutter.

"Do you want to take a break for a while?" I shake my head.

"No let's just get it over with..." I mumble. I stand slowly, sliding my hand back into Jack's, his right arm returned to its sling.

"Ok, lets take it slow though, ok?" Jack says, guiding me into forever 21.

Three hours later, we leave the mall with five bags full of clothes.

And 0 panic attacks.

The Guy in the Green Jacket (jacksepticeye x reader)Where stories live. Discover now