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5 1/2 month time skip-

"Jack, we need to get some baby clothes for them." Y/n says, pulling me further into the store.

"Y/n, we need to get you off your feet. We've been walking around for two hours. You need to rest." I grab her around the waist and pull her over to a bench. She sighs, closing her eyes and rubbing the sides of her large baby bump and sitting down painfully.

"Maybe we should... Ugh, my fuck, my back hurts so much..." She groans.

"Hey, only on more weeks, and we'll have our adorable Quinn and Declan in our arms and it will all be worth it." She grunts in agreement, leaning her head on my shoulder.

"I just want to nap..." She murmurs. I hum and rub her shoulder.

"Come on, lets go home and then you can take a nap." I kiss her forehead then stand and pull her to her feet.

-3 day time skip

Your pov-

I yelp in pain, waking up in a puddle of water. I groan as pain rips through my abdomen.

"Jack... Jack, wake up..." I yell. Jack leaps up.

"What?! What's happening, Y/n?!" He yells.

"The babies! My... My water broke!" His eyes widen and he jumps out of bed. He tosses me a pair of sweatpants, and I pull them on with difficulty. Jack lugs the hospital bag onto his shoulder the picks me up and rushes me down to the car.

"Hold on, we're gonna get you to the hospital, ok?"

-time skip

I breathe heavily as I see the nurses gently wipe off my newborn children's bodies. I cry in joy as they hand the twins to me. I cradle them in my arms, sniffling.

"Hey, Declan. Hi, baby Quinn." I whisper. Jack leans over next to me, eyes wide in love and admiration.

"Hi, Declan. Hi, Quinn." He says softly. I look up into Jack's face, tears trickling down my face. He smiles.

"You did it." He whispered, kissing my sweaty forehead.

"No. We did it." I reply. I look back down to my newborn children.

"I love you both so much."

-Time skip

Jack pushes me into the house in the wheelchair, barely able to keep his eyes off the two babies in my arms. Quinn has fallen asleep and Declan is feeding.

"Jack?" A voice says softly. Jack and I look up to see Felix and Marzia standing in the hall.

"Oh my gosh, when were they born?!" Marzia says, rushing forward and kneeling next to me. Jack shushes her, glancing back down to make sure Quinn hadn't woken up. Declan cooed as he finished feeding, yawning and closing his eyes. I smile down at him then kiss his head. Jack gently pulls Quinn out of my arms, letting me adjust my shirt and cradle the sleeping boy in my arms. 

"Felix, can you help me for a sec?" Jack asks. Felix nods, following Jack up the stairs. I slowly hand Declan over to Marzia, letting me push myself up out of the wheelchair. I collapse the chair, pushing it into a hall closet and retrieving Declan from Marzia.

"Come on, let's go upstairs with the boys." 

"But... but when were they born?"

"Early this morning, Declan at 3:23, Quinn at 3:27." I say, glancing at the sleeping Declan in arms, smiling, before turning back to climb the stairs. I hear murmuring inside the nursery, gently pushing the door open to see Jack and Felix speaking in awe about Quinn. The little girl is asleep. I giggle, walking over to Jack's side and resting my head on his shoulder.

"Let's put them to bed, ok?" I whisper. Jack nods, turning to set Quinn in her crib. I set Declan in his crib, turning on the baby monitor and pulling the other three people out of the room. I hobble down the stairs, my back and vagina hurting intensely. Jack comes to my side, wrapping an arm around my waist.

"Are you sure you don't want to keep using the wheelchair? Just for today?" He says, kissing my cheek. Groaning, I nod. 

"Fine, just today." 

"I'll grab it." Marzia says in front of us. She runs down the stairs, pulling the wheelchair out of the closet and wheeling it to the foot of the stairs. I collapse into it, exhaustion overcoming my body. Jack mumbles in worry, pushing me into the living room and stopping me next to the couch.

"Jack, can I lay down?" I whisper. He nods, lifting me out of the chair and laying me down. I lift my head, letting him sit down before I lay my head onto his lap, dropping off into a beauty sleep like no other.

The Guy in the Green Jacket (jacksepticeye x reader)Where stories live. Discover now