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Y/n's POV-

I woke up to sunlight streaming through the window. Jack is still asleep beside me on the couch with his arm wrapped around my waist. I groan and sit up, rubbing the back of my neck because of the awkward angle it was craned at, then stretch my tired body.

"Morning, y/n. You want some coffee?" A voice says. I jump, not realizing someone else was awake, but realize it was Ethan.

"Sorry, I didn't realize you were up. Yeah, I'll take it black for right now, thanks."

Ethan nods and leaves for the coffee. All the others are fast asleep on sofas and chairs, Felix and Marzia snuggled in close on the floor. I pull out the phone Jack got me, an iPhone X, then troll around the internet.

After I log off, I notice a text message. Beginning to panic, as I had only given my number to jack, mark, Ethan, Felix, Tyler, and Marzia, I pull it up to see a text from an unknown number.

Unknown: I know where you are, y/n. The police can't protect you all the time.

Unknown: You can't hide from me.

Unknown: you know you belong with me

Unknown: I'm your fucking boyfriend! Answer me.

Unknown: ANSWER ME

Unknown: fine, if you won't answer, then see what happens to your little green friend.

With wide eyes and covered mouth, I quickly shake Jack awake.

"Jack! Jack, I'm scared. Evan found my number."

He quickly jolts awake.

"What?! Give me your phone."

He snatches it out of my hand and reads through the texts. His face burns with rage and he stands, his fist clenched tightly.

"Wake up the others. I'm going to go talk to a detective about this." He says without looking at me. Storming out of the room, he slams the door.

"Ahh!" The others scream, all except for Felix, for they had been awakened by the loud noise. Felix lays on the ground, passed out and not moving except for the rise of his chest. Marzia flicks his nose lightly to wake him, and he screams like a little girl.

Still not used to having so many loud sounds happen that quickly, I curl up and cover my ears. Mark rushes over when he realizes Jack isn't nearby, then tries to calm me.

"Sorry, Sorry! Y/n, it's ok. Evan isn't here. He's not going to hurt you."

"He's going after Jack." I whisper.

"What?! Where is Jack?"

"Evan found my number and said if I didn't respond he was going to hurt Jack. I woke jack up and told him, he got angry and went to talk to some detective." Right then the door softly opened, Ethan entering with two cups of coffee in his hands. His eyes are wide.

"I've never seen Jack that angry before. He's talking to some police guy with y/n's phone." He says. He absentmindedly hands me one of the cups the sits beside me. I sit up, curling my knees to my chest and sitting stricken. Ethan rubs my back lightly, trying to get me to calm, but I can't. Evan might hurt Jack. I can't let that happen.

"I need to go back to Evan." Even saying those words is torture, but Jack is more important than me.

"What?! No, y/n, you can't go back to him! The police will keep us safe. Jack will be fine!" Mark says.

"But if Jack is hurt, I can't live with myself! I would rather risk my own shitty life more than his. I love him, and I can't let him get hurt." I scream through my tears. "I would rather die than let him get hurt!" Sobbing, I feel two slender and familiar arms wrap around me.

"Evan isn't going to hurt me." Jack's silken voice says. I lean into him and cry, feeling weaker than ever.

"But what if he does..." I sob.

"He won't." He whispers, stroking my hair smoothly. "Can you come with me for a little bit? We need to talk to one of the detectives."

I nod, and stand with him, still leaning into his chest. He supports and guides me out of the room to an office down the hall. He sits down and cradles me in his gingerly, whispering sweet nothings into my ear. Tears began to slow and my shaking ceases right as a woman walk into the room,  detective badge upon her shoulder.

"Hello, Mr. Mchgloughlin and Ms. l/n. Thank you for agreeing to speak with me. I just have a couple questions about Evan Sanders." As I hear his name i tense and shiver. Jack grabs my hand and kisses my forehead, reassuring me of his presence. "So, I understand that you, Ms y/n, were in a relationship with Evan. How long was the relationship?"

"Th... three years. He... abused me and raped me the whole time..."

Jack is holding back tears and is gripping my hand tightly. I kiss his cheek to try and calm him down, and it seems like it worked.

"How many times did he rape you?"

Pale and sweaty, I swivel my head back to the detective.

"7 times..." I say shakily. Jack inhales sharply and tries to cover it with a cough. I squeeze his hand.

"How bad has the abuse ever gotten?" she asked.

"A couple of times we had to go to the hospital cause I... I almost died. He would tell the nurses I got beat up by muggers or something. They always believed it." My voice has dropped in volume as I try to cover the shakiness in my voice. Jack pulls me closer to his chest and rests his chin on my head.

"How did you get away from him?" she asks softly.

"He... he went to a bar after he beat me a couple weeks ago, and I went to meet a so-called old friend at a Starbucks, and she never showed. I tried to get out of a booth and go back to the house before Evan got there, and I fell. I couldn't get back up. Jack found me and tried to help, but when he touched me I screamed and tried to get away, which made him worried. I tried to not tell him at first, but I couldn't help it when he asked. I told him everything. He took me to his house and he called the police. Then you guys arrested him." I realize tears are again quietly trickling down my face. Turning into Jack's chest, I hide my reddened and tear streaked face from the woman on the other side of the desk. I dry my tears, then turn back to the woman. She has been quiet while I calm myself.

"Last question. We have received contact from Sanders, and currently, our choices are to give him what he wants, which is off the table, or to bait him. He wants to meet with both you and Mr. Mcgloughlin at a discreet location. We are currently planning on setting it up so that we can capture him before you two would have to meet him, but otherwise, we are going to have to ask you to actually meet him."

"What?! No! I'll meet with him, but I'm not letting Y/n anywhere near that man ever again!" Jack bursts out.

"Ok, we can arrange for just you to meet him, but that means you will HAVE to actually meet him. Alone."

The Guy in the Green Jacket (jacksepticeye x reader)Where stories live. Discover now