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Your POV

I have a developing bruise on the back of my knee from that blonde kicking me, but I haven't told jack. As we wait for the Uber to arrive, i sit down on the curb. I must have sat down strangely, because jack stared at me quizzically.

"Is your leg ok?" He asks quietly.

"Ummmmm Yeah." I say unconvincingly.

"Y/n, are you ok?" He asks again, kneeling next to me.

"I... I got bruised from that girl. It just hurts a little." Jacks face reddens with anger before softening.

"Let me see." I roll up my pant leg to reveal a large black and purple bruise right above my calf. Jack pushes on it slightly, making me wince at the sharp pain. Jack frowns and hugs me.

"I'm sorry, most of my fans aren't like that though, ok?" I nod, then stand as the Uber pulls up.

"Let's grab some dinner and then go home." Jack says, to which I hum in agreement. "Can you take us to the nearest Wendy's?" he asks the driver. I maneuver the bags around our legs on the floor, squeezing my small legs in between a gap in the bags. I push myself up against the door of the car, eager to get home.

-Time Skip

Jack's POV-

"Y/n, go lay down. I'll unpack all our stuff." I say as we walk through the front door. She nods tiredly, eyes drooping and mannerisms sluggish. She shuffles into the living room, collapsing onto the couch and curling into a tiny ball. Ethan and Mark, who are sitting playing Fortnight on the couch, glance at her and smiling. I poke my head in to say hi.

"Hey, guys. I'm going to go unpack. Call me if she wakes up." I say quietly.

"Alright, no problem." Mark replies softly. I nod in thanks and run upstairs with Y/n's bags of clothes. I unpack the clothes into the drawers and closet, carefully folding the pairs of shorts and sweaters and crop tops Y/n just bought into the drawers. I make the bed and place Sam in the corner. I push our bags into the bottom of the closet and am about to close the door until I see a a rip and a glint from the bottom of Y/n's bag. I crouch down and pull the rip open wider, noticing two thin plastic wrapped safety razor blade packs loose in the hidden pocket. I pull them out and hold them in my hand, tears dripping down my cheeks to fall from my chin to my open hand. I stand and poke my head out of the guest bedroom.

"Hey, Mark? Can you come up here real quick?" I yell.

"Yeah, hold on!" He yells back. Soon, he appears at the bottom of the stairs, staring up at me worriedly. He hurries up the steps as he notices the tear streaks staining my face. He pulls me into the room and sits me on the bed. The razors are gripped tightly in my hand as Mark sits next to me. 

"Jack, what's wrong?" He says quietly. I open my hand and reveal the two packages of razors.

"I... I found them inside a hidden pocket on Y/n's bag... And... last night she... I woke up when she got up and was going to the bathroom, but... she said sorry to me, so I asked her what she was doing, and she had one of these razors in her hand... she was going to cut herself..." I cry, staring into my hands at the glinting razors. Mark gently picks them up out of my hand and sets them to the side. "Why can't she see how beautiful she is?" I whisper. Mark rubs my back silently, letting me cry.

"Jack..." Mark whispers. "I'm so sorry." 

"Thanks, Mark... I just... I don't know what to do... I don't know how to help her." Mark glanced up while I spoke, but quickly returned his gaze to me. Mark slid his hands off my back, scooting backwards on the bed. A pair of pale, thin, scarred arms wrap around my shoulders lightly.

"Just be here." Y/n whispers into my ear.

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