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Jack's POV-

Y/n and I have been home for a week, and have been relaxing as much as we can, but now I need to go back to youtube.

"Hey, y/n?" I say, peeking my head into the living room where Y/n was playing Shadow of the Colossus. She paused the game a looked at me. She smiled at me as I joined her on the couch. She leaned back into my shoulder, sighing contentedly. "Hey, I need to go back to making videos soon, and... I kinda need to make a video about what I've done in the past month. Is it alright if I explain it a little? And maybe have you come on the video so I can introduce you?" Y/n tenses next to me.

"How... How much?" She whispers.

"I don't know exactly, but I would need to explain it a little, and it might help if I introduce you. I promise, you will be safe." I kiss her hair as she hesitantly nods.

"O... ok..."

"Thank you..." I say. She turns her head and stares up at me. "Let's go record it ok?" She nods, pushing herself up to her feet. I stand beside her, then pull her up the stairs to my recording room.

"You can sit down on the couch while I do my intro, I'll call you over when I'm ready." She nods and goes and sits down. I smile at her, then start recording.

"TOP O' THE MORNIN TO YA LADDIES, My name is Jacksepticeye, and I'm finally back from my break, and... Well, a lot has happened. If you're wondering why I'm in a sling, I'll explain that later in the video. First of all, I had been wanting to take a break for a couple of weeks before I actually took a break, and something came up that made me make the decision to take a break. So, first of all, she is right over here on the couch, and she is really scared to come on camera, and she has been through a lot." I stop talking and exit camera, pulling Y/n to her feet and guiding her over to my chair. I sit down, pulling her down into my lap. "So this is my girlfriend, y/n. I met her the day before I took my break at the local starbucks. How we met is... sad. I talked to her because she was crying on the floor of the cafe. She screamed and tried to get away when I tried to help her. She broke down and eventually told me about how she was... abused by her now ex-boyfriend, so i... I brought her to my house and called the police." Y/n stops me by wiping the tears that are now dripping down my face. I look down at her then smile, but look back up and keep talking. "She stayed with me for the next few days, slowly getting used to staying with me. As most of you guys know, Mark, Tyler, and Ethan came to stay with me for a week, and Y/n got a lot better over that week. Over that week, we started dating, but... Her ex-boyfriend, lets call him Jeff for now, escaped prison, and Y/n, Mark, Ethan, Tyler, Felix, Marzia, and I were put in protective custody, but... Since I wouldn't let Y/n come with me to meet Jeff so that the police could catch him again, it was required that I actually meet him. When... I signaled for the police to come catch him, he shot me in the shoulder, which is why I'm in the sling. Don't worry, I'm fine. After that, she was traumatized even more and it broke her a little, so I decided we needed to get away from it. When mark, Ethan and Tyler returned to America, we went with them so we could try to relax, but when we went to the mall to get her some clothes, we ran into some of you guys. Now, I love meeting you guys, but that day I was trying to stay low so that y/n didn't get overwhelmed. When we met you guys, you all started screaming, which scared y/n. She tried to hide behind me, and when I said I wasn't going to be giving out photos or doing selfies or anything, one of you asked me "who the blonde bitch behind me was." Now, I explained it to her as calmly as I fucking could, and she just scoffed. I tried to check on y/n, but when she stood up, this blonde kicked her in the back of the knee, which gave her a pretty nasty bruise and made her have a pretty serious panic attack. I'm very surprised I didn't lose it then. Y/n had been through a lot, abuse, rape, hate, and depression, anxiety, and self hate. She doesn't need or deserve all the hate she has gotten from you guys so far." I say. Y/n has grabbed my hand to get my attention. As I glance down, I notice the fearful look on her face and the pale skin. I squeeze her hand back, then look back up.

But she started talking.

"So, I... I know tho... this is... a lot but... j... Jack has helped me... a... a lot." She stutters. I give her an encouraging peck on the cheek, telling her it's ok. "He wasn't going to go in depth about... what happened to me... but I will. Three years ago, I got into a relationship with a really sweet guy named Evan. Within 3 months, I was moving in with him from Manchester to Brighton. I thought I was in love. A week after I moved in, he completely changed. He started beating me, sometimes to the point where I almost died and had to go to the hospital. He whipped me. I have scars all over my body because of it, and he told me that I was a slut,a whore, a bitch. He... raped me... 7 times, and he got me... pregnant three times, and made me get abortions..." I tense and squeeze he hand. She never told me that. "It was normal for me, and I was always in pain. Only reason Jack found me is because I was supposed to meet with a so called old friend, and when I tried to walk, I couldn't. Jack carried me everywhere and supported me anytime I needed help. When... when I tried to cut myself, he stopped me..." tears slowly trickle down her face. She looks down and rubs her eyes. "He is the... the only thing that keeps me going... I wouldn't be alive without him, and... I... I love him."

I let her cry for a minute before doing a little outro.

"Thanks for watching this guys. I promise I'll be back to making videos regularly in two days. Bye." I click off the camera and sit there with y/n on my lap.

"I'm proud of you angel." I whisper. "So, so proud of you."

The Guy in the Green Jacket (jacksepticeye x reader)Where stories live. Discover now