Vampire Beacon.

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. . . ? . . .

"..What.... happened...?"

She started to slowly open my eyes, but felt herself getting lifted off the ground, the person who was rescuing her must've been out here longer than her, his body temperature- actually, she didn't know if he had a body temperature!

Not knowing what to, since she didn't get kidnapped or lifted on a daily basis, she quickly shut her eyes and tried to even out her breathing. For some odd reason, her cheeks stung as if she were slapped earlier.

"What the- is this heaven? Does god personally come drag me to hell, or what?"Kameko wondered as she closed her eyes and enjoyed the ride.


Curiosity got the best of her though, and she did take a tiny peek. Everything seemed fine until Kameko found herself face-to-face with a thick and dark forest, even though it was daytime. She was about to say something, anything, but decided not to, in case the person carrying her would get too surprised and drop her in the middle of nowhere.


Kameko heard the sounds of a door opening, and the loud clacks of footsteps enter a room. The air was musty, as if his home was old.

It was safe to say, he didn't care about her, because, apparently, to him, she didn't even earn the pleasure of getting placed down gently.

Oof. Right on the couch.

That's Kameko, ladies and gentlemen, 'A Sack of Female'.

"Hey, Reiji, I found our new blood bank!" A low voice shouted.

"Huh? Ayato, please." Another voice spoke back, with a tinge of annoyance, as if the words 'blood-bank' were terms they used in an everyday conversation.

Judging by the echoes of the two voices, their house was pretty big. And old. Big and old.

Suddenly, something inside of her snapped, again. That happens a lot, but it felt different this time. As if something, or someone in that matter, was urging her to speak. 


No later, she blacked out again.

R E I J I 

"Who is this girl?" He asked his younger brother.

"Ayato. Who's this girl you somehow found on the streets, instead of going to school, hmm?" He asked him again, with a louder voice.

"Tch, don't talk like that to Yours Truly, Reiji. Besides I just felt hungry on the way home. No other reason." Ayato retorted.

"Alright, but seeing she knows what we are, maybe we should get everyone here to undermine the situation".

"Hey, Four-eyes, if she knows were actual vampires then does that mean we can keep her for a food resource?"

"Ayato, your absurd nicknames are demeaning, but that is correct. If this girl knows about our kind then she will have no choice to stay."

Raising his voice, Reiji shouted for the whole mansion to hear.

"Everybody. Come in here. Now."

As both of the Sakamaki brothers watched, all of his brothers began flashing into the room.

Shuu couldn't lie down on the couch since it was occupied by the girl, so he did the next best thing- sit on the chair. Subaru leaned back onto the wall near the doorway, pissed that someone disturbed his nap, again. Kanato was just talking to Teddie.

Laito was the first to notice the unconscious girl on the couch. His eyes widened at the sleeping beauty.

"fufufu. Who's this..? Our new toy?"

"Shut up, Laito. Yours truly found her first, therefore, she should be mine. My new toy, of course." Ayato declared confidently, ignoring the 'tch' from Subaru.

Just as he finished saying that, Kameko began muttering in her sleep.

" Stop.... Don't touch me...... BLOOD SUCKING BEASTS. I'll kill you. I'LL KILL EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU......Where's my knife...?"

Everyone's eyes widened again, who was this chick?

"Hey, Teddy, doesn't she seem like a good girl? It would be a shame to break her." Kanato whispered to his stuffed friend.

Kameko had begun toshift uncontrollably, giving off the feeling that she wanted to thrash around . Tears and sweat began streaming down her face as she seemed to bite down on her bottom lip forcefully, as if trying not to scream.

"Ayato, take her to the guest room. She's making a ruckus in the entrance hall." Reiji said.

Suddenly Subaru walked up to her.

"I'll do it."

Everyone was a little shocked because not once, had Subaru volunteered himself to do anything. Especially for a girl. He walked up to Kameko and picked her up bridal style. She instantly relaxed in his arms and sighed in relief, the coldness of his chest affecting her mood.

Laito pouted, but his voice was one of amusement, "That's not fair, Subaru. I wanted to touch her, too~"

"Shut up." He growled rather loudly, but the unconscious girl didn't seem to stir.


"Now we wait".

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