Twenty One

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Chapter Twenty One


Luke's POV

I woke up with Andi still in my arms, her head was buried in my neck and her hand was on my chest with mine over hers; I gently grabbed my phone and turned it on, quickly snapping a photo of us before editing it in black and white and posting it to Instagram without a caption. As soon as it was posted, I turned my phone off again, placing it back down on the side table.

I gently leaned down and kissed her on the top of her head.

"Morning" Andi said quietly, her voice still affected from crying last night.

"Hi" I replied as she moved up to kiss me.

We laid there as I traced a scar of hers that was on her arm , as we enjoyed the silence.

Beau's POV

I walked upstairs to Luke's room, going to make him get up, have some food and then get ready as we have a Dirty Pig meeting.

"Luke" I said as I knocked on the door. There was no answer so I opened it, finding he wasn't there.

"Luke" I said checking his wardrobe then heading to the bathroom.

I raced downstairs, checking the front and back yards.

"Beau, what's wrong?" Daniel asked as I raced back in.

"It's Luke, he's gone." I replied looking at all the boys.

"What do you mean he's gone?" James asked as I pulled my phone out and tried to ring him but it went straight to voicemail.

"I've checked everywhere in this house and he's not here. And his phone is going straight to voicemail." I replied

"Lets not worry yet, he's probably just gone to clear his head." Ronnie told us.

"Have you read the twit-longer that Andi posted last night?" Jai asked

"And the old photo he posted earlier this morning on Instagram?" James added

"But lets keep trying him until he answers." I said worried

"Maybe we should try Andi, she might have an idea." Daniel suggested

"It's worth a shot." I replied

Luke's POV

"What this from babe?" I asked Andi as I gently ran my finger along the scar on her arm.

"A car accident when I was sixteen." Andi replied

"What?" I asked

"It was during my tour well actually I was having a week off as I'd just got back from touring all around the world. I had a week off before starting the US and Canada and went out Saturday night with a few mates and we ended up in an accident. I broke my arm in two places, had to have emergency surgery and have plates inserted but the following week I was back touring." Andi explained

"Do you still have the plates in?" I asked

"Yeah" Andi replied

"Andi I want you to know I'm not going anywhere." I told her, looking into her eyes.

"I'm not going anyway either." Andi replied smiling at me.

"So were officially a couple." I said, Andi kissed me in reply.

I rolled us over so I was straddling her as we kissed, I moved my hand down to the hem of her top and slowly pulled it off, as she moved her hands to the waistband of my briefs...

Andi's POV

Luke and I laid in bed, naked, when Luke's stomach rumbled making us both laugh.

"I think its time for brunch." I said to Luke.

"I think we should shower first them eat." Luke replied smirking

"Lets go then." I said as I got up and walked into my ensuite, turning on the shower.

I felt Luke's arm wrap around my waist as his body pressed against mine as I stepped into the shower.

We finished showering together and got dressed, I did my make-up lightly and left my hair down. Luke and I walked downstairs and made two omelettes.

Forced But Chosen:Embattled Love - Luke BrooksWhere stories live. Discover now