Twenty Two

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Chapter Twenty Two


Luke's POV

Andi and I were laying on the couch, cuddled up, enjoying each other's company.

"I want us to go out on a date." I said breaking the silence.

"Really?" Andi asked

"Yes really." I replied

"Sounds good." Andi replied

"Good because we're going out tonight. I'm thinking something simple and fun." I replied

"We should get ready." Andi said as she started to get up but I pulled her down and kissed her.

Jai's POV

We have our meeting to discuss the new line for 'Dirty Pig' but Luke still hasn't shown up and neither of them are answering their phone.

"Where's Luke?" Remy asked as we walked in.

"He's not feeling well." Daniel replied quickly.

"Oh ok." Remy replied not sounding convinced at all.

Andi's POV

It was late afternoon when we got to Santa Monica Pier.

"Let's go the Playland Arcade before we head to Pacific Park and ride the ferris wheel. And then I'm thinking we get a bunch of food and have a mini picnic on the beach as we watch the sunset." Luke said, I kissed him as I entwined our fingers together.

"Let's go." I replied as we walked into the arcade and began to play the various games.

Luke earned enough tickets that he won a teddy bear, he gave it to me, making me smile.

"Lets go on the ferris wheel then we'll get some food." Luke said as we walked towards the ferris wheel.

Luke and I got to the ferris wheel, waited in line until we got on the ferris wheel. We got on, I laid my head on Luke's shoulder as he pulled me closer by his arm wrapped around my waist.

"This is beautiful." I said as we reached the top and could see all of Santa Monica beach.

"It is." Luke agreed, as we kissed.

We got off of the ferris wheel and made our way to Pier Burger.

"I reckon we just get a whole lots of things and share. How does that sound babe?" Luke said as we stood looking at the menu.

"Sounds perfect." I said as he wrapped his arms around my waist, pressing his chest to my back.

"Hi, what can I get you today?" The cashier asked

"Can we have pier burger with pickles please, a large fries, a crispy chicken sandwich, a double sundae, a vanilla shake, and a route 66 Concrete and a bottled water please?" Luke ordered for the both of us as the cashier looked at both of us.

"Anything else?" the cashier asked

"No, that's it." Luke replied

"Will that be have here or take-away?" the cashier replied

"Take-away" Luke and I both replied at the same time.

"Alright. Can I just say you two are a cute couple." The cashier replied as Luke paid.

"Thanks." I replied

"It won't be long." She replied.

We walked over to the side, waiting for our order to be ready. Luke wrapped me up in his arms as I wrapped my arms around his waist and kissed my forehead.

Luke's POV

We got our food and made our way down to the beach.

"Let's sit over there." Andi said looking over at a secluded part of the beach.

"Ok." I said as we made our way over.

We put everything down and I sat down first.

"Come here babe." I said as I gently pulled Andi down in between my legs so that her back was against my chest.

"This looks good." I said as we started to eat.

Ronnie's POV

We finished the meeting and headed back to the house, the whole way home was unbelievably quiet. Everyone was worried about Luke and his whereabouts. We got home and Jai walked straight upstairs to Luke's room.

"He's still not home." Jai said as he walked back down the stairs.

"Ok, now I'm getting worried." Beau said

"He's still not answering his phone either." Jai replied

"Lets give it till the morning and if he's not back then we will call in the troops and go looking for him." I reasoned trying to calm everyone down.

"Yeah, I'm sure he's just gone to clear his head." James replied unconvincingly.

"Yeah, but it's just not like him to disappear." Beau replied

"Ok, we'll give it till the morning but I am going to keeping trying them both." Jai replied.

Luke's POV

We finished our meal just as the sun was almost set and it was almost completely dark.

"This is perfect." Andi said as I had my head on her shoulder, with my arms wrapped around her waist as she had her hands over mine.

"Yes you are." I replied.

"That was really cheesy but incredibly sweet." Andi said as she turned to me before kissing me.

"I love you" I whispered as we pulled away.

"I love you too Luke." Andi whispered back.

"I think we should go swimming." Andi said as she stood up.

"We don't have bathing suits." I replied as Andi started pulling her top off, leaving her in her lacy bra.

"I know but we have underwear, its practically the same." Andi replied smiling at me as she started to slide her jeans down her legs.

I got up, and quickly stripped down to my briefs, before chasing after Andi who was almost at the water. I ran towards her, picking her up bridal style and continued into the water until we were up to Andi's shoulders as she wrapped her legs around my waist and her arms around my neck.

"It's a little bit cold." I said to Andi before I kissed her.

"Well it is winter." Andi replied smiling at me as I held her.

"Look how bright the stars are." Andi said as she looked up at the sky with a look of amazement.

"And it's a full moon." I replied watching Andi before I attached my lips to her collarbone, lightly sucking and biting making her moan.

Forced But Chosen:Embattled Love - Luke BrooksWhere stories live. Discover now